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Everything posted by xsy

  1. Hi, I have no flea problems with my dogs, but... previously owned a Rottie which was a flea magnet - had 2 Jack Russels as well, never had a flea problem with them - and being white fleas show up on them very easily. So you need to consider that some dogs attract fleas more than others, same as some people will be covered by mozzie bites when the person next to them gets none! Also, I use a tea tree soap which is a natural insect repellant. Its also very good for doggy dandruff & odours. As my dogs are German Spitz, with long thick coats, they are thoroughly groomed with a scalp massager at least 3 times a week - as a kid I LOVED brushing my stuffed toys!! anyway, seems to keep all fleas, ticks etc at bay. For the rottie I used a powder, it seemed most effective. cheers Kris
  2. Hey Deb, congrats on the new family member, Bichons are gorgeous! I have two German Spitz, so I was kinda hoping that you would be leaning that way. I too have farm fences, and mine are great at staying in - in fact, when I accidently left the gate open one of them whinged until it was closed! I would be giving lots of loving treats to both dogs so they get to feel loved together. Our second GS we only got about a month ago, he is a four year old rescue dog. He & our older dog (Snoopy is only 5 year old) are bestest buds forever, both get lots of treats (pats, attention & sometimes snacks) so that they are BOTH getting attention at the same time, and we have very few jealousy issues. Snoopy we also got as an adult dog - he is a retired stud dog. cheers Kris
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