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Everything posted by rjones

  1. Thanks for all your advice. Fortunately the lump seems to be going down now. Staffyluv, I had discussed a needle biopsy with the vet and we'll be getting one done if the lump hasn't disappeared by the time we go back. Dan, thanks for all the info. I'll definitely have a look online for some more information. InspectorRex, the web address above doen't seem to be correct. And I can't find the correct one or anything about reporting vaccination reactions through google. Thanks again everyone who responded
  2. Thanks. I'll look into getting some of this.
  3. Thanks everyone for your replies. I monitored the lump over the weekend and as there was no change I took her vet last night. He wasn't too concerned by it. He said that it was most likely a reaction to the vaccination although it's more common in cats than dogs. We have to keep monitoring it over the next 2 weeks till her next vaccination appointment and if it becomes tender or grows then we should take her back straight away. As Pax said, because it's most likely a vaccination reaction, the check up was at no charge. Dan, what is Thuja and where can I get it from?
  4. Yes she has been microchipped. I thought they were fairly small lumps though.
  5. I've found a largish lump on my puppy's shoulder. It's probably the size of a 50c piece and it seems to be on or very near the right shoulder muscle (back of the neck). It doesn't appear to be bothering her at all and she didn't flinch when I was feeling it. I was wondering if this could be related to her 12 week vaccination that she had 1.5 weeks ago? I only noticed it today, but I suppose it could have been there for a while. There is another more mobile lump up in the area. It's slightly smaller and is more mobile (moves when I feel it). I thought this could possibly be a slightly swollen gland due to the vaccination??? I guess I'm not entirely sure what I'm talking about. I don't think it can be too bad as it's not bothering her. I guess I just wanted a second opinion. Cheers Rhiannon
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