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Dog Wanting To Meet & Greet Other Dogs


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Our JRT likes to say hello to other dogs when we are out walking. I don't let this happen unless the other person indicates this is what they want too. Of course it is harder when the dog is out on its own. We don't see many dogs but the last few mornings a new dog (staffy) seems to be getting walked the same time as I start to walk Sam. When they come close (actually they are walking on the wrong side of the road so not on same side as us) Sam will start barking and want to go over to the dog pulling hard on the lead etc. This get a bit embarassing especially when other dogs around start barking as well. I usually stop and let the other walker and dog get ahead. Any other suggestions as what I can do :offtopic: As Sam is a dog that likes to stop and sniff and smell usually doesn't take long for the other dog to get in front. Sam has a friend Seth (a big black dog) who we usually meet every few days. When Sam sees him coming in the distance he will sit and wait quietly for Seth to get closer. This morning when we got to the end of our walking route Sam noticed this lady walking on her property (5 acres) with 3 dogs. He immediately sat and waited for them but they weren't coming our way anyway. I had to "persuade "him to start walking back home.

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Sounds to me as if there is a lot about what Sam wants to do, and not much about what you want to do.

I'd suggest training and use the moments when Sam is behaving to allow him to meet and greet by way of reward.

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