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My Dog Get Very Upset When She Hears Certain Sounds!


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the problem I am having with Rogue is that she is very senstive to certain sounds and they send her off the deep end , the sound of a chair pushing back on tiles sends her nuts same with the sound of skateboards and anything else squeaky, she has tried to attack lawn mowers at the park , she even tried to attack a rangers car that was driving through the park. she just goes agro barks and charges doesn't bite but is definalty acting aggresive towards whatever the object is that is making the sound, today at training they had an inspection table that needed to be removed during class it made this horrible squeaking sound, she had been quite attentive during class, but as soon as that happened she went nuts barking and pulling on the lead trying to get at it. it took me about two minutes to clam her down and only after the table was removed completly from sight did I even have a chance to re focus her.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can train her remain calm around sounds she doesn't like, she has basic obdience and she does listen and respond majority of the time but when she snaps like that she doesn't respond until she is removed from the situation completly.

Edited by squirt80
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I have a dog that is very noiise sensitive, unlike your dog, mine tries to run from the noise.

What I have done is work really hard on her drive so I can use that to keep her attention on the ball/toy instead of the scary noise.

Her biggest noise phobia was the sound of my OH's boat motor being trimmed. It got so bad that as soon as she heard the boat she would freak, all I could do was put her in a crate until she settled which sometimes took forever.

Then I changed to as soon as I heard OH driving back to the house, I would get her out the front and play ball, away from the boat but so she could see it. Gradually we got closer and closer to the boat (over a few weeks) and now she only has a slight reaction but when she hears the boat she searches for her ball, much better than before. :thumbsup:

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There are CD's out there, specifically for this, with noises on them such as thunder, fireworks, wind etc that you can put on in the house to desensitise your dog.

You need to put them on at the lowest level, (even if we cant hear it the dogs can) and then as your dog gets more relaxed with these sounds you can increase the volume level each week for example.

If your dog is going silly, just ignore the reaction, dont speak to them at all, and if your dog is pacing around etc, just crate them until they have settled.

I have used these prior to entering parades etc, and now Cooper rarely reacts to any noises at all. If so it is just a look to see where it came from then he looks back at me, but no barking, crying, pacing, nothing.

Could be worth a try. I cant remember where to get the CD's from but try a search and see what you come up with.

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thanks for the advice
cant remember where to get the CD's from but try a search and see what you come up with.

do you know the name of the cd by any chance??

This one is from a company in the UK.


This company is in Western Australia and looks great too.


Both of these have more noises on them than the one I have used, so either would be great for Rogue.

Edited by BC
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