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Cooking For Your Dog


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Hi daccydog here

I'd just like to say that i have only just started to feed my two cooked food

for the following reasons

my female daccy would eat anything that you could give her and untill recently all RAW

but MY Male daccy 4yrs old who was always feed raw meat chicken ,vegies plus bones

some how every couple months he would get diareah which always ended up with a trip to the vet

the last straw was the female got it to , i'd brought chicken breast from woolies

the vet said it must have been spoilt and giving it raw only increased there reason to get sick

so I have changed there food menu , I still give them raw bones and chicken necks but cook there main meal with vegs and give them eukanuba biscuits for there breed half and half

I too have worried if this is a sufficient menu , but looking at the both of them they look so well with beautiful shiney coats and of course no vet visits or smelly bums (longhair) :thumbsup: such a bonus

regards daccydog

Edited by daccydog
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I dont understand why people are so off the whole pasta and rice thing - a little is OK, whereas my lot will still swallow up 2 litres of cooked rice in one go when its left over. I have never had dogs so mad for it but it doesnt harm them and they love it.

I dont see anything wrong with the diet you offer Lucy's Run, but I would add more raw meaty bones - lamb flaps, chicken carcasses, maryland, beef spine etc try a local abbatoir, wholesale butcher or chicken processing plant. They can have sales to public at cheap prices or even give bones away. There is also canine nutritional powders (like Vets All Natural) that you can sprinkle over to make sure your dog is getting everything it needs.

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I went to my local butcher and brought some minced up chicken carcus etc for $2.50 (bit steep), chicken necks for the same price, beef mince for $6kg, bones for $4kg and chicken wings for $4kg. A little pricey so I will try leonards next time for the chicken. I mixed it portioned with half cooked veges and only a little rice and pasta and she loved it !!!

Still unsure on the garlic so I will leave it for now, some say yes some say no so I'm not convinced but I can't see why it would be harmful when it's fantastic for humans.

Thanks for all your help :eek:


Hi Ben,

we have given our dogs garlic for 30 years, it actually helps prevent worms in dogs. A friend who worked as a keeper at the zoo and also had GSDs used to give all his dogs a clove of garlic a couple of times a week and they were very healthy dogs, as have mine been all these years. Onion is definately a no no. Raw veges minced and of course raw meaty bones and meat etc. No need to cook anything. Mine also love the odd piece of fruit, apples , pears etc, no citrus though. Hope this helps


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Hi Ben,

check out South Coast Chicken at 136 Church St Wollongong.You can get a box of chicken carcass(about 30+) for $7 and a box of chicken mice for $7.(about the size of a banana box)

Bush's meats have chicken necks for $1.99kg as well

I feed Orijen and add a carcass or a couple of necks to there food each day.

There's also www.justfood4dogs.com.au that deliver here every few weeks but you have to have enough freezer space as it noramlly comes in 10kg packs

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