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Cortavance Spray


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Just wondering if anyone else has tried the cortavance spray yet. I have started using it on my silky who has grass allergies with her feet and due to that is a chronic chewer of her feet. After using the spray for a couple of weeks her feet look great and the chewing is now minimal (i think part of it became habit). Its great to know its not going systemically so no side effects.

Would love to hear if anyone else has had good or even the not so good results with it :(

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Yay! Hope it continues to work. Maybe you could try a little correction when she goes to chew her feet if you're sure they're not itching (i use an "arrrrrr" noise with Zero and it works great). If you can persuade her not chew then it was probably a habit, not a itchy thing (since the spray).

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I have some here for Orbits allergies and found it only seems to work if the itching is mild. One night after a play in the park he was itchier than usual (ie we were up during most of the night) and unfortunately it did nothing. But on mild days if he's at a particular area I can give it a spray and it does take the inflammation away. It's label dose is only for use for 7 days - using it more than that and you can start to see side effects, such a thinning of the skin.

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Used it for the first time tonight, will let ya know how we go.

I find the instructions abit confusing and concerning at the same time, trying to make sure you don't administer too much.

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