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Crate Help


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Sorry, I wasn't sure where to put this :happydance:

My dog sleeps in a crate like this one http://www.wooddoghouse-4less.com/simages/crates1a.jpg and she's had it for a couple of years and it really pongs.

She goes in there smelling clean and come out smelling like..ummm... dog (she normally smells more like roses :thumbsup: )

I have tried giving it a clean out and wipe down, buit it didn't really get rid of the smell. I even sprayed it with fabric refresher and aired it out for a day and it only helped for a couple od days.

I have new blankets to put in it, but I want some suggestions as to if she needs a replacement crate or is there a trick to cleaning them?

It wasn't cheap and other than the smell it's in prefect condition.

Do you all replace your crates after a certain length of time?

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Um it's fabric isn't it? Why not wash it? That really is the only way to remove whatever is making it smell. If you can't take it off the wire that makes it stay upright and put it into the washing machine or handwash in a bucket I would be getting a few bucketfulls of warm soapy water and throwing over and in it. I then would be getting a high pressure hose and hosing it.

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I would be doing the same.

Take it outside if you can't wash it in something, spray with the hose, soap it up, spray it again and then have a sniff. If it still stinks, do it again.

If you still can't get the smell out of it - i would get 2 litres of vinegar and douse it in that, soap it up and then wash it off.

I'm sure there are some other soaps you could use - maybe try things like dish washing liquid or washing liquid (for clothes) - things with a fragrance in it if your dog doesn't have sensitive skin. If he does, use something without colours and fragrances (maybe something like omo sensitive or a hypoallergenic washing up liquid)....

I wash Zero's towels in omo sensitive and they always come out smelling fine - no doggie smell!

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