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Seeking Advice


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Reposting from Introduction and Welcome Mat

:thumbsup: I am a 11 yr old Jack Russell and I am having problems walking. Taken to vet last week after owner found me in the backyard unable to move. It seems that my back legs have given up on me and can not walk on them. Had xrays and could not find anything on them but they are saying it could be knee displacement. It has been a week since the visit to the vet and am starting to move on back legs but not as much as I would like, I tend to drag my back legs on either side and am very weak. My owners are really concerned that I might not get better and are worried what is going to happen, has anyone had this happen to them if so would love to hear from you.

It's been a couple of weeks since I posted the above and I am moving better than I was before, but only can walk a few steps and then rest. I can't sit on my bum like I use to, it's more on the side of my back flank. Got an appointment with specialist next week to see if they can work out what is wrong as not had much luck with the local vet so will let you know what happens.


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Why haven't they done an ultrasound if the xray showed nothing? I would be requesting this today if it was my dog.

There are so many things that this could be. I would assume it is not a tick because it has been over a week (although there are plenty of ticks around at the moment). It could be both cruciate ligaments torn at the same time. It could be a pinched nerve in the spine somewhere. It could be a tumour on the spine (not necessarily malignant). It could be that the poor little one has just put his back out and needs a doggy chiropractor. It could be a dislocation of knee or hip.

These are just a few off the top of my head but I am sure others will come in here with more ideas for you.

Firstly go and ask for an ultrasound and see if that brings anything to light - they may have been xraying his legs and it could be in his back too.

Good luck and I hope he gets better soon.

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Talk to your Vet about the possibilty of Arthritis. Sometimes it can effect dogs in the way its is yours. Also talk to your Vet about possible Pentosan Injections if it is Arthritis this will help. Considering his age, arthritis is very possible.

Good Luck


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One of mine got up one morning and didn;'t want to walk. He relucently walked a few steps and then wanted to sit. He would do this reapeatedly. He would have normally ran out the door, but just sat there looking like he wanted to run out but wouldn't. Went to the vet, checked him out, but found nothing wrong. After a few days it wasn't getting much better, so back i went again but saw a different vet. This time we took x-rays, again nothing wrong found. So we treated like a sore muscle/joint and he had a shot of metacam & it worked wonders. He was then on metacam (non-steriodal anti-inflammatory) for a few days and it took about another week for him to get back to his 100% self.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Well I've had my appointment with the specialist and have been told that both of my ACL's have gone. I've been given two options, 1 is to have an operation on both of my ACL's at the same time and try to repair them or leave it and hope my body will heal itself to a certain degree, but that is going cause muscle loss (which is happening now) in both legs and have a very stiff walk plus arthritis for the rest of my life. My poor owners are not have much luck with us four legged friends as they were told last week that my mate "Puss" has cancer and might need to loose her back leg. So it looks like there are going to be some trying times for us in the coming months. Will let you know what is happening.

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send Charles Kuntz( Specialist Vet Surgeon who is on DOL) a PM- I am sure he will give you sound advice.He is wonderful

Hi IR - I have seen you post this a number of times. Is it really appropriate to be telling everyone on here to contact him by PM for free advice? I know that it certainly annoys me when people PM me wanting free advice. Its even more so in the case of a vet as they cannot see the animal which is critical to any advice. Maybe it would be better to allow him to come in and respond if he believes it is appropriate for him to do so.

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Hi there,

I hope you have had some luck with your situation - wouldnt hurt to try seeing an animal chiropractor for a different view on things. If there is a pinched nerve I dont think it shows up on xrays and if there's a way to avoid operating anything is worth it! Worked for me...

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