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Dog Play Ended With Blood


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Im not sure if this is in the right area

I have a bulldog 8kilos shes only a baby and an OES 50 kilos 8yrs they will chase the ball, frisbe any toy that you can throw. The OES will get the toy first, the bulldog will wait until the OES picks it up if she gets there first.

The bulldog then likes to jump at the oes to hang off the toy that the OES is carrying and be carried back to who through the toy.

All has been fine until yesterday, some how when the bulldog went to jump to get the toy she managed to rip the OES's jowl

Mass of blood, vet stitches and a drain in the OES cheek, pain relief, OES is fine and home.

Bulldog is fine. OES has always been a sensitive boy doesnt like any aggression or growling etc. Now wont go any where near the bulldog. Bulldog isnt trying to hurt the OES just wanting to say hello

I have the house gated so there is one up each end etc but they can still see each other.

How can I get the OES to relax around the other, I know its early days but dont wnat to leave it to long and cause more problems. Other dogs are also become quite protective of the OES. The puliks are very protective of there flock eg OES

So before I have a bigger problem can anyone give me some help/advise please

Edited by storm
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Whats an OES ?

I dont know what you can really do. Sounds like your pup was just playing. How old is he ?

With oversensitive dogs like that what can you do you know, sometimes you have to just let them be and when the Bulldog gets older its going to take over top spot and thats how it will be. Id just supervise them while there playing so you can avoid anymore torn jowels !

I had a bull arab that was really over the top when she was a baby, She'd get ontop of big dogs with her razor teeth and try and rip thier flesh apart :rofl: By about 12 - 16 weeks she started easing up and then id say by about 20 weeks she didnt do it anymore.

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Your post reminded me of our dogs, my mum has two american bulldogs and i have a mastiff cross pup, when they play they come out looking like they have been in the pits! cuts and scabs everywhere but you never hear a yelp during the play. Bully type dogs have such a high pain tolerence, they don't seem to realise when they are actually causing damage.

Will be interested to hear the advice you get from the experts on DOL.

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