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Clicker Training


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I have a beautiful 3 1/2 month old Newfoundland Puppy Digi, he's a great pup but I'm having

issues of him nipping my 5 yr old son.

The reason why he targets my son is because my son flaps his arms (he's autistic) so Digi thinks he

has a wonderful toy.

I purchased a clicker the other day and yesterday did some basics and was amazed how quick he understood.

How do I go about stopping him nipping (other than having my son outside) using the Clicker and Rewards.

BTW we are booked into Training next Month.

Thanks for any advice.


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If it were me, I would try training an alternate behaviour. For example, train him to sit when he gets near your son. It may be a little difficult with such a young puppy as they are still babies. You would just need to be really consistent. I would also think about putting a leash on him so if he gets too excited he can't get to your son to nip. You don't want him forming a nipping habit in spite of your training. It would be hard to break, I reckon. On the plus side, puppies do tend to get over nipping on their own eventually, but it can be a long time and you wouldn't want your son to grow to dislike Digi.

Look up Karen Pryor on the web. She has a page, I think it's called Clicker Solutions or something similar. Lots of articles to read. There is also a couple of really good Yahoo clicker groups that are worthwhile reading through to understand how different people approach it and why.

Best of luck. I think Newfies are a great choice for an autistic child. :thumbsup: Unfortunately they all start as puppies. :rolleyes:

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Thank You Corvus,

Digi is a gorgeous boy and I know he has to get over

the puppy stage, I can't wait for training to resume then we will

have more one on one with the trainer.

We chose a Newfie because of our sons special needs, they will grow up

the best of Buddies :thumbsup:

Thanks 4Paws I have put the site in my favourites will have a look at it later

when my son goes to bed.

Better be off Child is calling.

Thanks again


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