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Sam Has Diarrohea (or Loose Bowel Movement)


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Early this morning Sam started grizzling etc. I thought he may have wanted to go to the toilet seeing it was earlier than normal. When I went out to him he had done a monstrous poo but reasonably firm for me to clean up. I took him outside for a short walk and did a bit more on the loose side. Later when I took him for his big walk he did a bit more still on the loose side. This evening when I cleaned up his pen I found one of his poos was a bit on the loose side still. I did give him some mashed pumpkin (with Jalna fat free yoghurt) with his breakfast. Now tonight he usually has chicken necks. Should I cut back the quantity (usually has 2 or 3 depending on the size) and give him some more mashed pumpkin.

Thanks Glenda

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Generally when dogs have an upset tummy it's best to with hold food from them for 24 hours, to give their gut a time to recover, and then feed the first meal something bland like boiled chicken. If the problem continues, then a visit to the vet is in order.

Sounds like Sam also has some discomfort if he is grizzling. I personally wouldn't feed dinner tonight, and see how he is in the morning, and probably book in an appointment with the vet.

Hope he feels better soon!

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Sam had blood with his poo this morning so took him to the vet. Said was gastro-enteritis and had a couple injections and given tablets etc. to take. He is still bright and chirpy. He was very excited about going for a car ride (little realizing that he was going to the vet!!!)

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