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Vaccination Question


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Hi All.. :happydance:

Hoping for a bit of advice from some of you, regarding a friend's dog.

The dog is a shitzu/poodle cross (approx 6 years), and something has been strange for a bit over a week now..

Firstly, when she was picked up from grooming about a week back, she seemed a bit more quiet than usual. We also noticed that she yelped a few times, for no reason - she even let out a yelp when she jumped up and greeted me at the door - as if she was in some kind of pain.. We thought she may have been injured at grooming (although the groomers say nothing happened... hmmm..).. We did checked all her limbs, and she didn't seem to mind when we moved and bent her in all different ways..

A few days past, and she still wasn't her usual playful self - maybe around 75% of her usually energy level... Visited the vet, and all signs looked good (no pain points, temp and pulse fine), recommended to wait a few more days then get an xray if no improvement..

Problem was, we gave her the yearly vaccine at that vet visit, and she usually has a funny reaction (mouth swells up, etc.) - so the vet also get have her an anti-hystamine.. So now we're not sure if her lower energy is related to the vaccine, or whether there is still something not right from when she came back from the groomer...

Should we expect the vaccine to slow the dog down a bit for the next couple of days? Particularly noting she does need the anti-hystamine to deal with the vaccine....

We also noticed a small amount of swelling around her right shoulder - Injection was around 3 days ago now - Guess this is where the needle went in, but not too sure. .Will keep an eye on it, and go back to vet if there is no improvement...

Appreciate any input... If only dogs could speak!!

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I am sorry to hear about your friend's dog. In australia it appears we are behind the 8th ball when it comes to vaccinating dogs. In the US dogs are not vaccinated yearly as to do so it is considered as OVERVACCINATING. Most people over in the states prefer to carry out a titer test which measures the level of antibodies in the blood and thereby gives an indication as to whether immunisation is actually required. Yearly vaccinations are totally unecessary and, in fact, DANGEROUS with a myriad of side effects, mainly auto immune problems which can manifest itself in a range of different ways. The fact remains, and this has been proven, that if dogs are given their puppy shots and are then followed up by a booster 12 mths later they are protected for life; the business of vaccinating dogs every year is nothing short of a money making venture; I shudder when I see elderly dogs at the vet's waiting to be immunised YET AGAIN! If you do a google search on "side effects of overvaccinating dogs" you will be met with a selection of links that will provide you with ample information. I can assure that dogs do NOT require to be immunised every year of their lives! ALL THE BEST WITH YOUR MATE'S DOG, HOPE ALL GOES WELL.

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She probably has had a reaction to the vaccine. What can the vet have been thinking to vaccinate her when she was not well? Particularly if she needs anti hystamines

If it was my dog, I would see a good canine chiropractor in case something is "out", her initial symptoms sound to me as if something was hurting.

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Appreciate both your replies!

It's been a while since I've been on DOL, but browsing through the forums, I can see that the quality of members and information is still second to none!!

Interesting, I was unaware that yearly vaccinations were considered overkill. I will especially take that into account with my pug.. He'll be 16 next week!! - and definitely in a more fragile state than the 6 year old shitzu/poodle cross.

We'll keep an eye on my friend's dog, and if her pain symptoms don't improve over the next few days, will look at the doggie chiro option (didn't even know there was such thing.. :cry: )

Again, thanks so much. I'll def do a bit more research now regarding vaccination (and over-vaccination).


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Quick update.. It appears the dog was suffering a slipped disc - had an xray today.. (the lump near her shoulder was from the vaccination, so not related to the main issue)..

Vet has used corizone (can't remember exactly what it was, i think they said cortizone) - and urged that the dog be allowed to rest, and minimise movement as much as possible..

Will see if it improves, otherwise may look at chiro or acupuncture - the vet basically said the next step is surgery, and didn't think much of the suggestion of chiro... I don't think it's too bad, as the dog is still in reasonably good spirits and is walking around OK (not 100%, but not that bad that we would think surgery will be the next step).

Thanks again for your advice.

Edited by raphsta
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