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New Pedigree Food


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Check the ingredients list - it the first few are grains, cereals, and meat byproducts then give it a wide birth.

Also if it has too many preservatives added - these cause all sorts of issues with a lot of dogs (especially skin, ear and eye issues).

Personally I don't think you can do any better for your dog if you feed it a natural food diet (like us - we all do better on fresh food as opposed to packet goods).

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Have you tried foods like Orijen or Eagle Pack? Orijen is grain free and made with meat, fruits and veges etc, so might be something to look into.

Also, I'm not a vegetarian so I can't really relate, but a dog is a carnivore. Is there any way you could bring yourself to deal with the meat for the sake of your dogs? Could your partner store the meat in portions that just involves you opening a container and feeding it straight to your dogs without you needing to touch it?

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Have you tried foods like Orijen or Eagle Pack? Orijen is grain free and made with meat, fruits and veges etc, so might be something to look into.

Also, I'm not a vegetarian so I can't really relate, but a dog is a carnivore. Is there any way you could bring yourself to deal with the meat for the sake of your dogs? Could your partner store the meat in portions that just involves you opening a container and feeding it straight to your dogs without you needing to touch it?

What Stormie said - dogs need fresh bones and things for their teeth, if nothing else!

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They actually aren't carivores they are omnivores (same as humans) which makes a huge differance. Cats are carnivores so i dont own one. Not that i want to start an argument on the matter but they get meat in their dry food anyway. And ocassionally they get bones that i dont give them my partner does so their teeth are good. They have had eagle pack then advance then supercoat, refused to eat the first 2 and 3rd made one of them vomit. The greatest length i have managed with meat is smackos

But thanks for all the advice

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They actually aren't carivores they are omnivores (same as humans) which makes a huge differance.

A dog has a carnivore's teeth and digestive tract. They cannot digest grains at all. They derive energy from fat, not carbohydrates. Have you considered what a dog's natural diet consists of?

I'm glad you are doing the right thing by your dog anyway but they are carnivores.

ETA: However unlike cats, they are opportunistic carnivores and will scavenge and eat vegetable material if they can't get fresh prey.

Edited by poodlefan
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"Various mammals are omnivorous by nature such as bears; coatis; canines like gray wolves or dingos; hedgehogs; opossums; pigs; some primates including chimpanzees and humans; raccoons; rodents including chipmunks, mice, rats, and squirrels; skunks; sloths; various birds whose prey varies from berries and nectar to insects, worms, fish, small rodents, and snakes; cassowarys; chickens; corvids including crows, magpies, ravens, and rooks; keas; rallidae; rheas; some fish such as piranhas; some lizards; and turtles. Their diet consists of both meat and vegetable matter."

Direct from wikipedia

I know lots of people disagree with me and thats fine. I didn't say they ate wheat/grain but they do eat vegies which you with find included in most dog foods. Most of those animals people would say are carnivores, i have done a lot of research on the topic and i think you will find a lot of vets agree they are omnivores.

Not trying to convert anyone never have never will, (the very reason my dogs eat meat) just i always have people say they are carnivores same as people say it about humans, and yes they have the teeth to eat meat thats because they are omnivores and would still eat meat.

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I know lots of people disagree with me and thats fine. I didn't say they ate wheat/grain but they do eat vegies which you with find included in most dog foods. Most of those animals people would say are carnivores, i have done a lot of research on the topic and i think you will find a lot of vets agree they are omnivores.

I'd say they are opportunistic carnivores (as opposed to obligate ones like cats) buy anywhoo...

You're right they don't eat grain.. but grain is the basis of most commercial dog foods.

Read the side of any kibble you propose to feed. If one of the top three ingredients is grain (usually wheat or corn) and you see "cereal byproduct" "meat byproduct" etc, then you are feeding a pretty ordinary diet. Gluten and soy are two of the most common dog allergens and most kibbles have plenty of both.. when you see "vegetable protein" listed, that's usually soy.

I can understand your reluctance to handle meat (I was a vegetarian for 20 years) but if kibble is the go, feed the best quality you can afford. You won't be finding it in the supermarket.

I'd be looking at Orijen or one of the other non-cereal based ones.

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they are not obligate carnivores, yes they can eat SOME vegetable matter but saying that a dog needs proteins and fats from animal sources. There are varying degrees in that group you listed and if you look at some animals they will choose a meat source over a vegetable source any day because nutritionally it is better for them. Dogs are not only hunters but scavengers and being omnivores helped them survive the tough times, not because they really require a high amount of variety in their diet.

If you own a dog you owe it the best possible diet so raw meaty bones should be included. If they make you ill then freeze them and give them frozen - carcasses, lamb flaps, offcuts, etc - the smell/feel is gone and they are so much easier to give like that. Ex was a vego :confused:

Try Royal Canin, dont let them get fussy. Put it down, give them 10 minutes, then take it away. Try that for a week, no other food, and they will eat. I would stay away from anything that is 'supermarket line' type foods as it is full of cheap fillers and really doesnt do your dog good in the long run.

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K thanks

I'll try that one see how we go, try mixing it through with some cheap stuff and they might start eating it.

Thanks for the advice

How do you feel about tinned fish.. ? Sardines, tuna, mackeral etc are great for dogs and can be good topping for kibble.

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I agree with the others - a lot of commercial foods (especially the cheaper ones) are filled with cereals to bulk them out. Not good for dogs at all IMO.

There are some really good commercial foods but they do cost more, hence the reason I personally feed fresh. As all dogs are different too, sometimes it takes a few different foods to find the one they do best on. You wil know when they are doing well - eyes are bright, coat is shiny, teeth are good etc.

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