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Camera Help

Daisys Mum

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Hi Polomum. Thanks

I use a 40D and prior to Oct last year it was still the 10D (I held out for the 40D instead of getting the 30D and glad I did mainly for the racing and the victory gallops at AIHT).

For eventing & other equestrian I use the 100-400mm IS canon lens however for the cross country of the AIHT I was using the smaller lens I usually use for racing as the jumps are generally so close to the tape (at normal eventing you can drive a car out there and just park well out of the way and use a bigger lens). This lens is simply way too big for the races in Adelaide where again you can get close enough for the smaller lighter lenses.

The smaller lens for racing is a 70-210mm normal black lens - apparently it is quite an old canon lens but was one of the better quality ones way back when it was 'current'. I picked it up at an auction for $100 and found that the 40D liked it better than the 90-300mm and was a lot quicker to focus. I am planning to get a similar current one (that does extend to 300mm) next year as its starting to collect a fair bit of dust inside the lens but considering I take them out in the heat, humidity, rain, dust, etc its not a huge surprise. It was with this lens that I took the magazine cover shot of Douro Valley.

For the yearling sales I use a 24-85mm but don't go under 50mm or you get 'big head short leg' syndrome which is not a good look in horses.

I was using the 10D as a second camera at big race meetings for the close up head shots and rug shots but at the Caulfield Guineas it had major problems turning off then on when I needed to take a picture later in the day so its going to be the ebay camera now and the 350D will now become the second camera. I thik it has electical problemsas back at the airport it was working again when there was no presure to take multiple shots.

Have been interested in hearing about kiwigirls 1000D as haven't heard much about them but being canon would expect it to be good but have less extras than the 450D.

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Oh yeah external HDs are absolutely necessary. I had a small clean up of my HD yesterday and managed to only remove about 2 gig worth :thumbsup: .

Thats what I did, I bought a 500 gig external HD this week, this morning I saved all my photos on it - 22 gig. :thumbsup:

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