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Pale Gums & In Season


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My JRT is in season for the first time, she came in Saturday night.

She has been a bit off colour for the last day & a half, I thought it must be from the season as her mum can be the same but tonight she didn't eat tea, only a little bit that I hand fed her and her gums are quite pale.

Her temp is fine but the gums have me a little worried. Would being in season cause pale gums?

I've never thught to check any of the girls before.

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Pale gums indicate either lack of red blood cells, or poor perfusion of blood to the tissues. Pain can cause that latter but if they are "quite pale" then it would generally be pain with an obvious cause (surgery, injury or trauma etc). If you are concerned and the gums really are pale pink then I would consider a check up and triple check whether there is any possible access to rat bait or other toxins. If the gums are not a shade of pink at all then it's vet straight away.

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Pale gums indicate either lack of red blood cells, or poor perfusion of blood to the tissues. Pain can cause that latter but if they are "quite pale" then it would generally be pain with an obvious cause (surgery, injury or trauma etc). If you are concerned and the gums really are pale pink then I would consider a check up and triple check whether there is any possible access to rat bait or other toxins. If the gums are not a shade of pink at all then it's vet straight away.

Thanks Rappie! Turns out my Stella is a big fat Faker :laugh:

Her gums were almost grey, which is why I was so worried. I rang Monash and they said to get her to my local vet so I rang them and went in, they took her out the back to check her out and she was fine, gums a lovely shade of pink :hug:

She was given an injection for nausea and I just have to keep a good eye on her. We are thinking it's her season which to turning her off food and making her off colour. She is still not herself, she is sitting still on my lap at the moment, she doesn't sit still very often

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