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Bach Rescue Remedy


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Oh you lucky people. I have have tried it with no success at all.

Seems it works for some dogs and not others.

I'm in the same boat as you Oakway, have tried it on both the dog and myself to try to calm us before going into the ring but still got just as nervous and of course when I'm uptight the dog reacts. Even gave the pastles a try as I could continue to suck on one in the ring discreetly, nope still was a bundle of nerves. My dog has reached the point that as soon as we hit the ring she starts with calming signals rather than what we are mean't to be doing.

I am still trying to overcome the nerves enough to do the obedience but now have a friend take my dog for Agility with much better results. This weekend we are going to try DWD but I'm thinking a stiff drink may be required :laugh: before we go in. Have tried the vitamin B too without success.

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I rarely use the Rescue Remedy, but have used other Bach & Oz bush flower remedies.

The biggest success I had was using Oz bush flowers "Confid" mix on dogs that find dog shows all too much. Given every night with dinner and using training techniques I was able to get the dogs to show happily. It builds up over time, giving the dog more confidence in themselves and stops them switching off when things become too much. It means you can train and shape, give them more confidence through that and you soon see the improvement.

I used Larch, one of the Bach Flowers, for the same thing and in particularly difficult dogs I'd use both.

For me RR is not the solution to every situation. It's really important to have an idea of what is going on and tailor the remedies to that. Also these sorts of remedies are just one part of the final solution. For human show nerves it can be that you need to find other things to calm yourself as well. I learnt to smile - force the smile and then slowly the body relaxes. Plan out how things are going to go in the ring, watch what the judge is doing, ask the steward how the judge wants you. Think through the steps that get you through it all, even do stupid miming if you have to. Find ways to trick yourself into a calmer state and every time you come out of the ring in 1 piece is going to make you more confident.

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