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English Staffy - Right Side - Both Legs Stiff (paralysis?)


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Hi All,

Just thought I might rack some of your brains for ideas.

My friends English Staffy was fine a few days ago, walking, getting into the car, etc and then within 10 minutes of getting home both legs on the right side went stiff-ish. It's as if there were some kind of paralysis, and both legs have not returned to normal since. It has only occurred on the right side - both front and back legs. Left side is fine. Both affected legs seem a little shaky.

The boy doesn't seem to be able to bend the legs himself, there isn't any pain or any other type of problems with him at all. He can roll himself up nto his side but cannot get up to walk due to this problem.

After a visit to the vet and leaving him there for two nights, there is no improvement and there is no degradation either. He is exactly the same.

The vet advised it is abnormal as normally it would be either the front legs or back legs and not one side.

It's heart-breaking to see him like this, he's an amazingly smart and affectionate boy.

Due to costs, my friend simply cannot afford the tests etc. I was wondering if anyone else has had their dog(s) experienced anything like this, and whether it was neurological and what his chances are of a natural recovery (if at all possible)?

He has not shown any signs of stroke (mentally he is all there, no problems, eats fine, etc), it's just these two legs that will not relax.

My friend understands Euthanasia is an option but shes not ready to approve of that just yet (only been a few days) - Do you think it is worth it to get him home for a few weeks and see if it improves? I just feel that it *might* pay to give it time, and if after that theres no improvement then bite the bullet..

Thoughts anyone?

Edited by Amstaff Shane
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I think this would be classed as hemiplegia and unfortunately I don't think you're going to be able help the dog without further testing. It usually occurs when for some reason blood flow is interrupted to part of the brain.

You could try sending a PM to Rappie or Charles Kuntz, both are veterinarians on this forum and they may be able to give you further information.

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Hemiplegia can also be a symptom of pressure on the spinal cord caused by something like a bulging disc. So yes, it can be neurological.

Without tests, all you're left with is to rest the dog and administer some muscle relaxants like valium and pain relief. If a couple of weeks crate rest don't resolve the issues, without tests there is little else that can be done I'm afraid.

Have any X-Rays been done?

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