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Completely Raw? Supplements?


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Hi all, just wondering if i were to choose a completely raw diet for my pup, would i need any supplements/vitamins to be added. She is 8 weeks old and she was weened off mums milk, but recently wont touch the dry food. She doesnt mind mince and yoghurt and luvs raw chicken. I am certain though there will be crucial minerals and vitamins that she will be missing out on to grow. Any advice would be greaty appreciated :thumbsup: Thanks

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She is 8 weeks now? And she is eating chicken with bone? When did you get your puppy? I would be saying that you should feed her ONLY what the breeder recommended so is there any background on that?

It's fine to raise a puppy on raw food - it's called BARF ;) but it would be good to make up a mix of different raw foods including veges and fruits if your puppy won't eat the kibble. It's also important to start on new foods very slowly.

If her breeder has recommended the kibble and she has eaten it previously, she may be teething - kibble and bones can bother their sore little mouth during that time. :)

I'd be sticking with breeders recommendations and very slowly introducing new items of food over the next 2 months until by 4/5 months of age your puppy will be on the diet that you want it to continue with throughout life.

There are loads of threads on feeding BARf so check into the Health/Nutrition/Grooming forum for more info :laugh:

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Hi, I have been feeding Marlin raw since she came home at 8 weeks, the breeder already had her on a bone every day, and gave advice on gradually adding in minced chicken, vegies and rice. She has always had kibble available for snacking on, but rarely eats it these days. Only supplement I give is Omega oil. Balance is very important and lots of research is the go, lots of good info here in DOL, http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=172826, and many other threads. Take it slow, I made the mistake of feeding her too many sardines too early once, will never do that again, runy smelly poos everywhere :)

Ask as many questions as you like, lots of people feed raw here :rofl:

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