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Cat And Dogs

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Hi, I need a little help.

We got given my Grandma's cat at the end of Jan, spent a long time on the dogs making sure they wouldn't hurt her..... turns out thats not the problem.

The cat has now built up her confidence and chases my Staffy who is scared of her around the house trying to stratch him. Any ideas how we can stop this?

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Separate them.

Get kitty a harness and a leash and control any situation where they're together so they can get used to the idea of being calm around eachother. If that doesn't work, spray bottle - anytime kitty goes to scratch, spray him/her with it (on the body, not the face).

Other than that, you could try dipping your dog's collar in lemon juice or orange oil and letting it dry - cats usually don't like the smell of citrus.

Because it's a cat problem rather than a dog problem, it's a little harder to solve. I know I can't teach my cat a damn thing (that probably says more about me than it does about him!) - he mostly just does what he wants!

ETA: Oh, and trim the cat's nails back as far as you can without making them bleed. If her claws are transparent, cut them back to just after the pink bit in them stops. If she'll let you, I would round the tips on them with a nail file.

Edited by ~*Shell*~
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