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You Win Some, You Lose Some

Nic oh lah

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Victory! I have a freind who Facebook messaged me months ago saying "oi - we'll have some Dogue puppies soon!" which confused me greatly, and upon furthur discussion I learned that his parents (who he lives with - uni student) had acquired a Female DDB from a registered breeder, she was 3yo, and they were going to breed her to their entire male DDB (who was papered) because "they're so cute!". ARGH! Got into a really lengthy preachy discussion with him about the horror that is breeding ( :) ) and about all the dogs at the shelter I volunteer at who were probably bred because "they're so cute". Have seen him a few times since but It didn't come up again as I figured i'd said my peice and couldn't do much more.

Ran into him last night at church and he whipped out his Iphone to show me photo's of the 2 4wk old puppies! I feigned enthusiasm until he explained to me that they would have had the pups a season ago but after talking to me and then going to his folk's with what i'd told them and them deciding I was right they had to wait for their CCCQ Prefix applications to be approved and to get health tests done on the sire and dam as they decided to become registered breeders! WHOOOOO :hug: And they contacted another breeder closer to home and asked to be mentored as breeders, and are going to keep one of the pup's for show to get their prefix out there - DOUBLE TRIPLE WHOOOOO!!! :mad

I'm stoked. They're really taking it seriously and saying they will consider a repeat mating in a years time after some showing. They have done alot of research in the past it seems and both their dogs have had success in the ring before coming to them, and they have the blessing of the breeders and now a good understanding of breed standards and that their dogs are suitable. Yippee!!!

Half an hour later I asked a guy I know how their 5mo GSD bitch is going - "good" he says, and goes on "and my sister just lay-byed (yes - he said LAYBY!) their male GSD that we're gonna mate Bella to". I was appropriately horrified and jumped on my high-horse immediately with ranting, raving, and stonefaced lies about it being $10K if a bitch needs a C-section (god will have to forgive me for that one) and trying to put him off. He's determined that he "just wants some puppies" because they're cute and informed me he wants to name one Rufio. :hug: ;) :)

You can't win them all. ;)

Edited by NicGSDlover
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:mad To you on the 1st lot. I've just seen backyard breeders of staffies they only have 2 dogs,(a bitch and dog) announce their got a new litter on fb, last 1 was b4 xmas all the pups died their blamed it on the weather being 2 hot. Here is a copy paste of status about their newest addition "i hav 6 beautiful puppies staffies but i will not b offering them 2 any1 untill they r bout 4 weeks old as the cold weather has taken 3 :-(" :hug:
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