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Dogs Victoria Scale Of Charges - Do You Think This Is Fair?


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It has just caught my eye in the Scale of Charges in the latest Dogs Vic journal that they have charges of

Declined Credit Card $10

Declined Cheques (including Bank Fees) $34

Given that there is in process, nationally, a class action against the banks for penalty fees for similar instances (basically stating the premise that they should only charge for what it costs them when this occurs) do you think these charges are fair?

A declined credit card - what does that really mean to any workplace? A phone call to the card owner to rectify the situation.

A declined cheque is a bit more work, but bank fees are not always redirected to the cheque payee. In some instances (again) a phone call would be the only action.

To me they seem very high charges and harsh for something that to me is part and parcel of basic administration of any organisation.

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Those fees are standard to most companies that I have dealt with. Everything that a business does has a hidden cost for their time. You have wages, insurances, utilities, offices, stationary and everything else that runs that business built in so that any action does not run at a loss. Just for the sake of the discussion, let us say it costs .25c a min. They call the person - 2 mins looking up the details and making the call. 3 mins discussing the issue. Anything from 2 mins to 10 to get the card and check the details. My most memorable was the person who turned over the house, emptied her handbag, went out to the car, checked her husbands wallet and 20 mins later remembered she had left it at the supermarket.

So you find the details are correct on the card and try again while they are on the phone. Another 2 mins. Card fails again so they tell you they will make a payement and try again tomorrow. Finish call. Another 2 mins. Best case - the call cost $3 if the card goes through. Start again tomorrow. Then there is your litter who was not processed today because of chasing payments. People bounce payments - they should be penalised. I don't see that Dogs Vic should have to chase anyone.

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