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How To Stop The Door Scratching!


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My CS is now 5 months old. I dont want to keep putting him in his crate inside whenever I go out so Ive been trying to get him used to being outside (large secure back yard) but everytime I put him outside - even with a Kong, a bone, toys - he just scratches and scratches at our back door (there is an old catflap there in the glass). I have stood at the door and waited for him to sit before opening it and letting him in.

He is also always jumping in in the kitchen when Im trying to cook dinner , so again he goes outside for5 min - but he still jumps up as soon as i let him in!! I dont want to keep putting him in his crate in case he associates that with bad behaviour and doesnt want to go in there!

He doesnt seem interested in his Kong, no matter what treats Ive tried...he will gnaw on a bone for about 5mins then just wants to be jumping around all over the place agian!!

Any tips????

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Don't stand at the door. Provided you are taking care of the pups needs in terms of environmental enrichment, training, socialisationa nd exercise- put the pup out and go and make yourself a coffee. Only return to the back door when the pup has stopped scratching. Be consistent no matter what and it will improve.

How did you get him used to his crate?

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i just put him in his crate with a kong initially...he doesnt go in there of his own accord and sometimes cries about being in there, its easier to deal with him crying in the crate than scratching at the door!! he has ruined the cat flap!!

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If you're worried about the door, get a puppy pen or similar to go around the door so you can keep him back from it. He is learning that being persistent when outside pays off so you need to set it up so that it doesn't work for him no matter what!

I would also get him going into the crate himself- there is a DVD called crate games that would be worth getting hold of to help you

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How much do you exercise him per day?

I'd be doing some leash walking to focus him and also regular obedience training to mentally stimulate him.

in my opinion he should be getting at least 20 mintues of exercise a day outside the home (eg dog park, leash walk, playdate with a friend)

Start playing fun games with him in the yard such as catching a ball or playing chaseys or tug or something so he associated being outside with having fun.

I would start feeding him in is crate only, so he learns to like it. You can also play some games etc in the crate.

Situate the crate where he can still see you.

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i do walk him for about half an hour every day..and sometimes when my hubby is home in time another quick walk round the block at dinnertime

we also play chase in the garden so i think he has enough exercise! i dont go to work so am in and out all day but sometimes just need to have him outside or in the crate while im tyring to organise the kids or have them eating their dinner without him jumping up

i think he just doesnt like being outside!

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He doesn't like being outside because he has never worked through the scratching at the door for long enough to learn that he will be okay outside alone. He won't learn to like being outside until you can work through this consistently. Its hard to enjoy sniffing around the yard when you're too busy scratching at the back door because you think it will work eventually. :rainbowbridge:

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Genevieve loves being outside but she doesn't always like being locked out when we are still inside! Maybe when you are at home pottering around, leave the back door open so he can come and go as he pleases. If he gets use to coming in and out of his own accord, then maybe it won't be so bad when you need him to be out there. Eventually he will just look at you then think 'bugger you then, i'll go sniff'.... and he will!

I have a door scratcher too - usually only in the wee hours of the morning though. It does get annoying after a while so I feel your pain!

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