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Pet Insurance That Covers Dental Work


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I'm in the process of obtaining insurance for my pets and looking at some of teh major providers. However, it seems that none of them covers major dental work. I know that dental work can add up to hundreds of dollars and is especially important when they get older.

I've had a look at the different PDS of providers such as BOWOW, PETPLAN, and PIA that were recommended but they all excluded dental work. Does anyone know of any pet insurance companies that covers major dental work?



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I'm with Petplan and haven't had a problem with them I havnen't made a claim for dental but this is what their policy states for dental treatment

23. The cost of dental Treatment unless Your Pet has had its teeth checked by a

Vet no longer than 12 months before the onset date of the event giving rise to the

claim. If any Treatment was recommended as a result of the check this must have

been carried out.

My understanding is that when you have a vet check your dog it's teeth should be checked and any treatment required should be done but anything found after the annual check should be covered.

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