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Peeing In Crate @ Night


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I have a 3 year old speyed Mini Poodle who has recently started peeing in her crate @ night. She is fully house-trained. She hasn't had any issues during the day and she has a dog door to come and go as she needs.

Her crate is in the loungeroom which is right next to our bedroom and she doesn't make any noise about wanting to go out (she is shut in overnight from about 11pm - 6.30am).

She was speyed at about 9 months of age.

When she was a baby she had a few UTI's but she hasn't had any since about 6 months of age. She id not showing any signs of a UTI in that she is not going out to pee frequently or straining.

I will get her to the vet Monday but just after some thoughts. When does spey incontinance typically occur?

Thanks :(


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First thing I would do is get a check up at the vet.

All UTI don't show up immediately so best to get that checked out.

Then review when you feed her and when the last time she gets to drink is.

I feed dry in the mornings, then the dog can drink during the day if it gets thirsty from dry food.

I feed RAW sparingly around 4.30pm and withhold water from then onwards.

Good luck!

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