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Seizure Dog -try Natropaths


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I posted a few weeks ago asking how much meat to feed my dalmatian as we were swapping her foods off processed food. Well we have made the transition and she hasn't reacted to chicken wings ( previouslt allergic to chicken that we had given her on several different occasions). She is having herbal drops from the natropath and its been 2 weeks now and she hasn't had a seizure. The natropath explained to me that some dogs can be allergic to things and just cause they have a seizure it isn't necessarily epilespy so under her reccommendation i took her off any processed foods. She said if you have a cough its not automatically throat cancer it can be a virus. something stuck in your throat allergy etc so she said that not all seizres are epilepsy. She wasn't responding to traditional medications after almsot 12 months of adjustments under vet supervison i was getting desperate so a friend reccommeded the natropath

She was having a seizure at least every week and sometimes twice a week they were petitie mals but so far in two weeks nothing shes off the traditional meds and i didn't realise how lethargic and kind of slow it was making her shes now full of energy like a 3 year old dal should be. Last night i added a bit of flax seed oil as her coat could do with a bit more moisture and we will see what happens.

I wish i had done this earlier so far so good and for her nay improvement is a good thing. I thought i would post this as there seems to have been a few people posting about seizure dogs of course it might not work for anotehr dog but might be worth a try

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Great to hear. :laugh:

I was actually considering seeing a naturopath for Whitey, my boy with IMT. He was having regular seizures, sometimes more than one per day. :laugh:

He is on phenomav and when the seizures were increasing in frequency, the vet advised I up his phenomav from 1 morning, 1 night to 1 morning and 2 night. :laugh:

As it was the phenomav was knocking him around. He was like a zombie most of the time. :laugh: It was not the quality of life I wanted for him so I went the opposite way and decreased his meds to only 1 phenomav a day. The seizures have slowed down believe it or not, and he is much more lively now. He was seizure free for almost 2 weeks, had one and has been seizure free now for 11 days. I am hoping to wean him off the phenomav for good eventually.

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