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Mals And Huskys With Cats?


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We bought 2 kittens 6 weeks apart in Dec and Feb and Elly is 5. She LOVED the kitten from the moment we brought it home, to the point where DP said he is now second on her love list :) She was obsessed with Lexi and would follow her around and STARE at her... literally if Lexi was sleeping for 30min, the Elly would sit and stare at the cat tree for 30min. She on the odd occasion would lick Lexi. Then we got Syd and Lexi got dropped and Syd is Elly's new favourite who gets stared at :laugh: DP had guinea pigs when Elly was younger and she would just follow them around and eat their poo and lick them on the odd occasion.

Then we got Bandit end of Feb, and now Lexi and Bandit are besties! Lexi rubs all over him and he licks her head and down her back and she moves around so that he licks the "right" spot. Bandit hadn't been around cats prior to us getting him when he was 8 months.

So just because a dog hasn't been around cats, doesn't mean that it will react negatively, but do you run that risk. It wasn't going to be a huge issue for us, because the cats are indoors and Elly is mainly outdoors, but we have enough room to put the cats in another part of the house when Elly was inside. We were also very fortunate that Bandit is very gentle with them too, but we also were fostering him first, so if he wasn't good with the cats, then we wouldn't have adopted him.

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The only way i would ever contemplate having a siberian and a cat in the same room together is if the sibe had been with the cat from a puppy onwards. And even then it would be with the acceptence that there is always a possibility that the siberian could kill the cat. There is always that risk - anyone who says there isn't, is fooling themselves.

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