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Lumps & Raised Lines On Fur/skin

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Hi to all you dog lovers. I have a 6 month old Male Hungarian Vizsla called Oskar. Today he went to puppy school with his mum and then for a play in the Knoxfield dog park, or should I currently call it Knoxfield Quagmire!! With all the recent rain, it has reached saturated and has now turned into the most fun a dog can have, rolling in the mud :D

His mum came home after and popped him into a warm bath. She used a little "Pears Transparent" soap to do so. We have never used soap on him previously, as all he normally needs is a hot wet towel bath. But he was caked in mud and needed a soak, so his mum used a little soap. Now I am not sure if this has anything to do with what I am about to describe, but I thought it was to give a thorough description of the days activities, to ensure that if anyone offers information, it is with as much fact to asses it as possible.

Tonight, I have noticed little lumps on his side, top of his nose and one long line of raised fur along his side. I have checked his belly and there is no evidence of lumps or welts there and I cannot see any redness under the lumps when I look at his skin.

His energy and general appearance is normal, his breathing is normal and he has eaten two meals and had some treats all with no ill effects. I will naturally monitor him closely tonight to make sure there is no change, but does anyone have any idea of what it might be? Grass mites? Plant allergy? Any other suggestions would be welcomed.

Once again, any deterioration and I will take him straight up to the vet, but at this point his behaviour is normal and all his vitals are normal, so whatever it is, doesn't appear to be effecting much other than his skin. :confused:

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Can't tell you what might have caused it (all would be guesses) but if it is still there tomorrow, give him a wash (either a body wash using a saturated flannel or a bath) using Calendula Tea. Purchase this from a health food store. If you go to my website (click on signature below) there's details of the Health Food Store I use on the left hand side of the page. That's if you are around the Berwick area, that is.

Edited by Erny
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Nope that would be hives. Orbit is a pretty allergic dog so gets them from time to time when he encounters something he's allergic to.

It may have been the soap, or a plant Oskar's brushed against. The line sounds like a scratch maybe? When Orbit plays with his friend, she often leaves lines down his back from her nails and the hair stays raised for a while. So I wonder if Oskar's scratched himself on a plant that was a bit irritating?

With any luck they'll just go down, but they can become itchy and end up with a secondary infection due to the breakdown of the skin barrier from all the inflammation etc. Do you have any antihistamines on hand?

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Nope that would be hives. Orbit is a pretty allergic dog so gets them from time to time when he encounters something he's allergic to.

It may have been the soap, or a plant Oskar's brushed against. The line sounds like a scratch maybe? When Orbit plays with his friend, she often leaves lines down his back from her nails and the hair stays raised for a while. So I wonder if Oskar's scratched himself on a plant that was a bit irritating?

With any luck they'll just go down, but they can become itchy and end up with a secondary infection due to the breakdown of the skin barrier from all the inflammation etc. Do you have any antihistamines on hand?

Thanks so much for the reply and pic, I am relieved it is nothing too serious.

As for antihistamines, I only have human ones. Periactin 5mg tablets. Are these OK on a puppy in the appropriate dose? He is happily snoring on the couch next to me so it hasn't effected him greatly, no scratching anyways as yet!

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My older girl gets this. She has serious skin issues and this is just one of many things she gets on a regular occasion.

Currently I am fighting with a really bad case of flea allergies and her skin is so bad it is horrible my poor baby.

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I am happy to say, it all settled down overnight and the next morning and little Oskar is back to full fighting fitness!!! Although, he did throw up twice during that night! But, he is 100% back to normal now!!!

thanks again for the information and taking the worry away that evening!!! :)

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