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What Do You Feed Your Staffy?

Polgara's Shadow

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Its an indoors day here today with all the rain and I just mixed up a fresh batch of VAN & roo mice for Vulcan. He's enjoying licking out the mixing bowl as I type :D . It got me to wondering what others feed their staffy's. Vulcan gets fed twice a day and I rotate through the menu at each meal. Here's his menu:

  • Nutro dry - chicken & oatmeal
  • VAN mix & roo & VAN Omega blend
  • VAN mix & beef & VAN Omega blend
  • VAN mix & rabbit & VAN Omega blend
  • chicken carcass
  • beef soup bones

*VAN = Vets All Natural

He doesn't usually get any extras but on the odd occasion he'll get an egg, a Schmako's chew strip, left overs from dinner or the empty yoghurt containers. Vulcan's an allergy dog so its taken me a while to arrive at his current meal plan. I am really happy with it as it manages his allergies whilst keeping him in in great condition.

Sooo.. out of curiosity... what do you feed your staffy?

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My boy seems to react to lamb, fish, pork and turkey :o ... So I'm always interested in finding out other options for him... within the range of things he can eat.

PAV LOV...that looks like a terrific variety, with lots of bones to crunch into - great for staffy jaws and teeth :) I'd love to add a wider variety of bones to his diet. Where do you get your whole rabbit from? I've only been able to find it minced or diced where I live. yours must be very sensible eaters..mine tries to choke down chicken necks whole :rolleyes:

SNOOK...I've tried him on raw only before but he seems to do best when there's some dry in his diet (even tho theres lots of preservatives and stuff in it). Nutro is the only brand I've been able to find that has just chicken with no other meats or fish or their byproducts in it, I'd love to find another dry that he can tolerate (I'd prefer his diet to contain less chicken). My Vet always comments on how terrific he looks and his coat just gleams :D

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