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Children And Grief


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well it didnt go as bad as i thought, They took it pretty well. The eldest was more upset but then started asking questions on how he died. I answered her the best i could and she seemed ok with it.

I didnt even cry...

saying that, just spent 10 mins outside with kaos bawling my eyes out :(

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I may be a little late coming in on this topic, but as a vet I have had to answer this question for a lot of people.

Be honest (as many have said) but also let the kids grieve in their own way - give them some choices on how to remember their pet. If you have photos, they may like to do a little scrap book, others may want to plant a tree (pick a hardy one), others may want a little ceremony or little memorial. Let them know that they may feel sad when they think of him at a later time, and it was fine to cry then if they liked. Equally, let them know that if they try to remember the nice things about their pet, it might make them feel happy.

Grieving is a very individual process, so help the kids find the best way for themselves to grieve and keep the happy memories of their relationship with their pet (and, in the future, their friends and relations.)

Hope this helps

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