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Herding - Where To Learn?


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Hi everyone,

In the last 6 months or some (maybe even 8 or 9) my Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog, Grace, has had some significant behaviour changes for the worse. I believe I have now come to realise what has triggered these behaviour changes (surprise surpirse it is a bad owner!), but I am looking for some help.

Just over a year ago I moved for work, 1400km north of my old town, and my lifestyle changed significantly. In my old job and town, I spent A LOT of time with my dogs, (I have two a small fluffy and a stumpy). We attended at least 2 training clubs, each week, I would take them on outings to play with other dogs and we had a weekly catch up with friends were the humans would eat pizza and drink beer and the dogs would play in the backyard (we would rotate house each week, and it was great for humans and dogs a like!!) plus I would spend time training them and we were getting into agility (Grace was not as keen as Lucy). BUT we had a very active very social life.

Now I have moved, my horses are taking up more time than they were previously. However the girls come with me for an off leash run for anywhere from 1 hour to 5 or 6 hours every day. On weekends we are often out at the horses all day and sometimes well into the night. There are plenty of dogs and people and they have a great time. Except when Grace is naughty and then she goes on the chain of shame until she can behave. She is becoming dangerous, as she is snapping more and more at other dogs, horses, and chasing things she shouldn't.

So the point of all this is that I am a bad owner who has let my dog's behaviour get to a point where she is becoming dangerous, and to make matters worse I have only just figured out why. She is bored. I thought that with the large amount of physical exercise she is getting this would be enough stimulation, but she needs more mental stimulation. There is no dog training club in my new town so we haven't been attending and I haven't been training her as we spend so much time at the horses. I have neglected my Grace's needs and I need to right this wrong quick smart!

SO I am getting to the point now I promise. I need to spend more time training her, which is not a problem, I will spend as much time as she needs every day. BUT I want us to have a purpose, she was not really keen on agility, but I am sure she would be great at herding and I would love to teach her some herding skills. Are there any courses that we can go to, to learn where to start? Are there any books we can read to get us started? As I know nothing about the sport I would love to learn more and teach my girl, to keep her stimulated and happy, but I would love for both of us to be able to go to a course somewhere for a few days or a week to learn more about how to train and get started.

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Western Australia is a very big state. Perhaps if you post what area of WA you are in, people may be able to give a more appropriate suggestion. I know of 1 place for training over there but have no idea if it is near you. My guess is no given you mention moving north.

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Western Australia is a very big state. Perhaps if you post what area of WA you are in, people may be able to give a more appropriate suggestion. I know of 1 place for training over there but have no idea if it is near you. My guess is no given you mention moving north.

Thanks Piper, I guess I should have said that I don't care where we have to go! I live in the Pilbara region, and I know there will be no training up here, which is why I would be hoping to find something that goes for a few days to a week so I could travel down (or interstate if I have to) to attend a course.

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The only 1 I know of in WA is Steph Gibson at Mandurrah near Perth who gives lessons so probably no the best option for you. You could try contacting the Western Australian Sheepdog association and see if they have anyone. I know here in SA there are a few members of the SA group that do training clinics. Given the distance it sounds like a clinic type setup where you go for a couple of days at a time would be your best option.

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The only 1 I know of in WA is Steph Gibson at Mandurrah near Perth who gives lessons so probably no the best option for you. You could try contacting the Western Australian Sheepdog association and see if they have anyone. I know here in SA there are a few members of the SA group that do training clinics. Given the distance it sounds like a clinic type setup where you go for a couple of days at a time would be your best option.

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