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How To Keep Dog From Chewing Shoes?


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Guest donatella

I had the worlds worst chewer, anything left down was destroyed. It got to the point I would warn friends and visitors that I was not replacing anymore shoes they left in her path as we knew she was a terror and it was costing me a fortune to keep up with her and other peoples laziness at not putting their stuff out of her way.

She grew out of it at 12 months though so there is hope. I say the best thing for it is keeping anything worth chewing out of harms way. Dogs aren't stupid, you can give them every toy in the world and they'd still rather nom on foreign objects they are not supposed to.

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At 7 years of age Mickey (Min Pin) decided that grabbing the back of my slippers when I walked was fun. The 'no', 'leave' didn't work nor did stopping, he'd just wait until I moved again. A couple of times of lifting my foot high on the back stride where he got the sole of the slipper on his nose soon stopped that. Never had a chewer but Mick might start that, he loves to be naughty lol.

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