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How Do I Teach Her Not To Bite


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Hi all,

I have just adopted a gourgus 9 .5 week old Bulldog. She is Gourgus very cluey is already sitting before I feed her and barks at the backdoor to go out to the toilet and this is after only 5 days in our home. The only concern I have is that she bites hands, feet and grips onto pants. I know she is a pup and that chewing on things and play biting is completly normal behaviour but when she latches it is very difficult to unattach her!!.

I have tried making yelping noises and turing away and making a loud noise but it doesn't deter her much. We have a four year old who she is getting on really well with and she has never bitten his skin (my hand is a bit of a wreck though) she does however latch on to his clothes and we can't get her off!!!. I would just like some tips on ways to teach her not to do this and how to help my son deal with it in away they won't excite her more (as his crying and yelling does). I realise that she is only young and that this will take some time and she may just grow out of it but I would like to deter her as much as possible why she is young. THANKSpost-10516-1163921166_thumb.jpg

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If you're already yelping, perhaps your tone of voice isn't quite right, do you yelp just the way you would if you were in pain?

I usally am in pain :thumbsup: . Perhaps it is not high pitched enough will keep trying though I tried it again tonight and she is responding a bit better.

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Guest kitakins

its a good idea to have a toy handy so when she does start to chew on you, do the yelp and then replace your hand/clothes with the toy. once she starts to chew on the toy praise her.

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That is a good idea. Loki was doing it before (and still does on the odd occasion) and we found he would grab hold so we would hold him, stick fingers in his mouth and not let them out, became an unpleasant experience (without hurting) and he stopped.

Also replaced our hands with toys on many occasions.

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