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House Trained Pup Started Peeing Inside Again


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Scarlett, my 22 week old westie pup, has been a breeze to train. She sleeps in a crate in the laundry with the door open and I was very confidently telling OH she has not had an accident for at least a month. :rofl: Very Proud! She has waited and taken herself to the grass first thing she was let out.

HOWEVER !!! On Friday I was lucky enough to take possession of a lovely two year old female westie, Mary . Her crate has been placed next to Scarlett"s as they hit it off straight away. Both mornings now I have woken up and there is pee on the laundry floor. Mary has her crate door shut at night so it can only be Scarlett. Very little has changed in the routine, Scarlett ( and now Mary) is still put to bed when I go to bed and taken outside for a pee beforehand which she does every time.

Why would she now start peeing inside again. I will be resorting back to the newspaper for a bit. Any suggestions?

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Sometimes they seem to 'forget', maybe with all the excitement of the other dog? Anyway, go back to the begining of toilet training again. Take her out for a wee before bed and shut her crate door at night. Any reason why you are keeping the crate door open?

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