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Submissive Or Dominant?


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I can't find a post which answers all my questions sorry.

But just lately my boy has been acting a little differently, I think his hormones are kicking in so maybe he's challengin me again? I don't know.

I'm unsure of what all the submissive signs are? And what the dominant signs are.

Here is what he does sometimes with me...

If I am gardening or washing clothes and wants play/attention he comes pegging at me, he doesn't come closer to me than about a meter but bounces around my feet in circles, yaps a lot (I wont say bark as it's very short, quiet, yaps) and as he yaps his puts his upper body down on the floor and sticks his bum in the air, and then bounces around me again. I ignore him as I will play with him when I want to...which is when i've finished putting a load on. (someone told me not to make him think he can demand I play with him) so when I ignore him he will come closer and nip my ankle or foot (only softly) i'll continue to ignore untill he calms down, once he's quiet and sits i'll praise and then play with him.

If, for what ever reason I walk up to him when he's doing this, as I will give him a growl when he nips me, he immediately flops and rolls onto his back and stops yapping?!?

I have no idea if he's trying to be dominant with me but when I growl and approach him he cowars into submission.....any suggestions?

oh and he's a4 month old male rottie entire

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Nick-Erica in the example you have given I do not see any dominant behaviour.When he as you state lowers his front end,he is asking or wanting you to play.The same way he would with another Dog or Littermate.He will nip you as he would another Pup.

Watch a Pup playing with an Adult Dog.When the Adult Dog has had enough a growl may be used to tell the Pup,the Games over or enough is enough.A Pup flopping down and rolling over is submitting to the older Dog.When you give a growl, your simply getting the same result from the Pup as if you were an Adult Dog. Tony

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Here is what he does sometimes with me...

If I am gardening or washing clothes and wants play/attention he comes pegging at me, he doesn't come closer to me than about a meter but bounces around my feet in circles, yaps a lot (I wont say bark as it's very short, quiet, yaps) and as he yaps his puts his upper body down on the floor and sticks his bum in the air, and then bounces around me again.

If, for what ever reason I walk up to him when he's doing this, as I will give him a growl when he nips me, he immediately flops and rolls onto his back and stops yapping?!?

I have no idea if he's trying to be dominant with me but when I growl and approach him he cowars into submission.....any suggestions?

oh and he's a4 month old male rottie entire

A dog in the classic, front down, bum up, tail wagging position is in what's called a play bow. You're dog is asking you to PLAY. He's not being dominant - well, not any more than demanding in his puppy way that you enjoy some time playing with him.

ETA: That "yapping" bark is a also a classic invitation to play noise. You can tell the difference between a, "hey mum, let's play! notice me!" bark, and a "stop what you're doing or I'll rip your head off" bark!

Don't growl at him when he's asking to play. He won't understand, because as far as he's concerned, he's giving you all the right signals that he's being friendly and wanting some fun. It's up to you to learn to speak a little "dog speak!"

Certainly, there is a time for play and for being patient and waiting for mum to finish pegging out the washing. But just recognise that he's probably excited that you're outside with him. Lots of dogs get excited when it's "hang out the washing time." Just think - to a dog, you're not pegging out washing - you're playing keepy-off with some lovely waving wet toys.

It's always play time with my 3 dogs when I hang out the washing. I jsut make sure there's a ball or something I can kick or throw in between pegging up clothes so keep them occupied while I finish the chore. Then I have a few minutes of play-time with the dogs.

Your baby sounds like a lovely, happy, fun-loving boy. Enjoy him!

Edited by Faolmor
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Thank you both, I didn't ask this question because it's a problem with me, heck I spend all day downstairs with him nearly with my two sons, but i've never seen him do this till recently hence why I thought it might have been something other....than play.

But then in saying that I have also been a little busier with my boys than normal so not having as much time with him. So obviously he's getting more excited when I am downstairs. Hmmm...it's all making sense to me now lol...

I don't usually growl at him as he isn't hurting me most of the time. He's just skimming my skin, but if he gets too full on he can give a good hard nip which in my books is not on, my 2.5yr old wouldn't class a hard nip and anything less than "oh my god my dogs hurting me...mum..." and the last thing I want is my son becoming afraid of him so I will continue to growl if he nips too hard. This has only happened twice mind.

I throw balls and sticks and squeekies and empty coke bottles etc etc but it's me he wants lol...so yeah that doesn't really work.

Thank you though now I know that it is a submissive play thing...so no need to worry :laugh:

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It's a good idea to teach him not to nip under any circumstances, so you're on the right track there! Especially if you have young children around. If he nips, give him a firm, "[dog's name], no biting," and offer him something he is allowed to chew on, like a ball or toy.

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