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Posts posted by Kajirin

  1. Noticed Scout has way too much dandruff at the moment. Thinking allergy related maybe, spring grasses and the like. Touch him and he goes into spasms scratching...brushing him he's really itchy.

    Wondering if an oatmeal shampoo/conditioner is the way to go, or are there other shampoo suggestions?

    Poor lil mite.

    Thanks in advance =]

  2. I love the tags like that, but Scout is forever losing his /sigh

    So went the cheap and nasty look of a luggage plastic tag, with a laminated insert with name/ph number. Doubled it, so can be read from either side. Go figure, he's never lost that one and it only cost $1.50 :laugh:

  3. Thanks again...

    I guess it was just all so quick and unexpected and I really wasn't ready for it...took him in thinking he had a sore tooth or maybe a food allergy. He went downhill so quickly too, so could only do what was best for him. Even though would love to still have him here, he was such an awesome dog =]

    But thinking back there were subtle signs, just didn't piece them all together til the end =\

    I think that's the kind of surgery they were thinking of, or trying to remove the tumours. But I just couldn't justify putting him through all that as bad as he was. Don't think the vet really wanted to go ahead with the surgery either, I guess she knew in the long run it was clutching at straws I guess.

    It's hard, but have the memories of him to cherish...so makes it somewhat easier in a round about way.

  4. Was reading The Punch [think Tory has a BC fetish]...


    ICB: Thanks, Tim, but a Cavoodle’s not a REAL dog

    by Tory Shepherd

    29 Sep 12:02pm

    Welcome to this week’s I Call Bulls@!t, a weekly column on shenanigans of all kinds. Today we look at Tim Mathieson’s 50th birthday present to Prime Minister Julia Gillard. A Cavoodle.

    Hybrid vigour? I call bulls@!t. These designer dogs are just mongrels with a ludicrous price tag. Keep your bulls@!t special-purpose cross breed, your genetically manipulated bundle of non-shedding joy.

    Keep your Labradoodles and Shegroodles, your Foxyhuahuas and Afghanitas, your Bullalutes.

    Get a real dog.

    Sure, Cavoodles look pretty cute. All silky hair and floppy ears and manipulated good looks. I get that warm squirmy ‘fur-kid’ feeling just looking at photos.

    But really, it’s a mocked up sort of glamour - it took too much effort. More Brynne Edelsten than Kate Richie.

    What’s more, genetic variation means you never know for sure which breed will dominate – the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel or the Miniature Poodle. Imagine if it’s the poodle. Shudder. You could wake up one morning to find your I-swear-it-wasn’t-a-puppy-farm-purchase sprouting pink ribbons and topiarised hair.

    And if you went to a dodgy breeder, it’s possible there’s nothing miniature about the poodle in the mix and then you apartment-dwelling top-to-toe brand name consumers will be in trouble.

    Real dogs include anything missing a leg, any dog of indeterminate origin, anything rescued or found, and Border Collies. They’re well known to be the most real when it comes to real dogs.

    This is why they feature so prominently on dog food packets. Dog food packets which are bought by Cavoodle owners who wish they had a Border Collie.

    They’re the smartest, fastest, most crazy-in-a-loveable-way kind of dog.

    Sure, mine won’t stop licking the furniture till it’s soggy. But that’s a purebred quirk. It’s just eccentricity, like wearing jodphurs or marrying your sister.

    They’re friendly, too, border collies. If a little prone to jumping up on guests. It’s almost an embrace, paws to chest, tongue lolling. And ours has pretty much stopped losing control of its bladder at the same time, which is nice.

    Other purebreds suffer all sorts of problems – in some cases with walking, or breathing even, but not border collies. Well, maybe a little hip dysplasia. A tendency to herd small children – most of whom, let’s face it, could use a nip around the ankles now and then.

    But a Cavoodle? It’s up there with growing an ear on a mouse, or making a shoat, a liger, a mule, or meat in vats.

    Bloody cute, though.

    Happy birthday, Prime Minister.

    EFP =]

  5. Well sad news :( and all rather too fast. Had to give Tye his wings half an hour ago. Ultrasound results showed massive amount of tumours in his stomach. The vet did say they could do exploratory surgery tomorrow, but the chances of him making it through the operation were very slim.

    So made the decision to give him his wings tonight so he wouldn't be suffering any more :cry:

    As the vet said, it was the best decision to make as he was very weak and ill. Just loved Tye [Tongue] so much, but he's at peace now and not in any pain.

  6. Rang the vet for an update...

    Blood test result shows his kidneys, pancreas, gall bladder all normal but his liver is higher than normal...so something not right there. So still keeping him on fluids and antibiotics to try and clear it up, by flushing out his system.

    He'll hopefully be having an ultrasound today so they can see what his liver is looking like.

    But he's just resting comfortably for now and isn't on any morphine any more, as he's not exhibiting abdominal pain.

    Did mention my concern about rats hanging around where he goes and Leptospirosis. Vet said he's seen more cases of that in Qld than down here in SA, so he doesn't believe it would be that. But he said the treatment is the same as what he's on now.

    So just wait and see time.

  7. Ok well popped Tye down to the vet as he's been off his food and vomiting/diarrhoea. The vomiting seemed to abate, but he still wasn't eating. Which is totally abnormal for Tye.

    At first it was thought maybe a sore tooth [as he has gingival hyperplasia], but no all seemed well in that area. Then the vet was thinking maybe a gastro type problem. So took a blood test to check for hydration. Came back with the centrifuged vial. He was dehydrated, but up top where it's meant to be clear it was yellow. So he double checked his mouth response and there was yellowing on pressing on the gum. So the vet is concerned now as he's showing signs of jaundice.

    So, now he in for observation/hydration/antibiotics with a blood test to check liver/gall bladder/pancreas function. Will get the results tomorrow. He'll also be on morphine in case he's in any pain.

    Am rather worried, but trying to remain calm.

    Anyone else had similar problems? Sorry haven't done a search as am in worrywart mode atm.

  8. I found my Sibe's registered breeder through the classifieds of the paper...I never knew any better and was before the internet. So I was thankful they advertised in there.

    I'd never begrudge a registered breeder using print media to spread the word of pedigree pups available. As that is where most people start out looking.

  9. What's the deal if you and your dog are visiting from interstate or even another council area?

    This is really sad.

    That's weird, previously on the q&a section it had if you visit Vic with a restricted breed it can be seized and owner fined. Also said if you leave the state without being 'spoken to and fined' a letter can be sent saying if you return to the state, your dog will be seized etc.

    Now it's all disappeared :confused:

    Unless I imagined reading it

  10. According to someone who did research on deaths caused by dog bite, since 1979 in over 33 deaths only one could be attributed to a pit bull cross....Ayen Chol was a cross bred. Will find n post...

    How many dog attacks are there?

    The full extent of dog bite injury in Australia is difficult to measure as there are no reporting requirements.

    There are data available on deaths. Hospital-treated dog bite injury is available through emergency department presentation data and hospital admissions data. But comprehensive data on medical practitioner treated injury and non-medically treated injury are not available.

    Until the recent tragic death of Ayen Chol, no dog bite related deaths in Victoria have been attributed to a dog identified as a pit bull or pit bull cross.

    My ongoing research has found that since 1979, there have been over 33 dog bite related deaths in Australia, 11 of these in Victoria. Only one other dog involved in a death in Australia has previously been described as a pit bull cross dog.


  11. Breaking up a dog fight in the wrong way, that's what happened in this case.

    But as a pitty was involved the...

    The attack follows the death of Ayen Chol, 4, who was mauled to death by a neighbour's pit bull mastiff dog in her Melbourne home last month.

    had to be added in :(

  12. Dog safety programs in schools do work. Local school had someone in [now can't remember the name of the actual program...think it was a delta dog one?]. But a dog came wandering into the school during a lunch break. Instead of the kids all clamouring around trying to pat it, they gave it it's space and didn't approach. Let the on duty teacher know etc. School rang the council, but by the time they came the dog was long gone.

    But the kids all remembered the lessons in dog safety and acted accordingly [these were r-7 kids with more reception/year 1's].

  13. but it still sickens me that there are 4718 votes that want to see Rotties banned. :(

    Agreed...I have never met a nasty or aggressive Rotty yet. Only ever met big sooks who wanted nothing more than a pat.

    ETA: When I was in my early teens, I had a friend who had an older Rotty, who sadly had HD. My friend knowing I really loved his dog told me to come and say goodbye to him [as he was past the point of living a happy life]. Still get tears whenever I think of this once majestic Rotty dragging himself out by his front legs to give me a lick and to let me give him a hug goodbye. He was a big sook of a dog right to the end.

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