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Posts posted by gsdog2

  1. Oh yeah. I didn't mention the automatic sit! And I assumed hand signals were a given. :)

    I've done some practice ring work and will do more before I enter a trial later this year.

    I suppose what I was getting at was when you get to UD isn't it hand signals only in the heel exercise? - I'll only dream of getting a dog to UD :laugh:

  2. I haven't obedience trailed (yet) but AFAIK you can give verbal commands to you dog. Single command, in English.

    You're either going to be in the CCD or CD ring and when the judge asks you to halt your dog needs to automatically sit (without a 'sit' command). Otherwise you can use hand and voice commands :)

  3. I am thinking of putting Bindi in her first Obedience & Rally-O Trial, but am confused as to what the symbols mean on the gazette. Obviously Novice R0 is "RN". but what does RN (A&B) mean. Also what would I enter her in for Obedience as a Novice & what does she need to know to compete in it. Sorry to sound like a areal dim-wit, but I have to start somewhere :)

    A good idea is to go along to an Obedience trial and watch what they do. I've trialled before but still went along to a trial the other day with my dog just to get used to the atmosphere (Indi's never trialled before) - not only good for myself but also my dog. You could also have a look on You Tube - there's plenty of vid's (look for an Australian one) where people have put up their CCD & CD trials :)

  4. Interesting topic - love to know what the Obedience training regimes are like :) .

    I take Indi (German Shepherd) to a park (various parks with distractions) daily and train for 10 minutes maximum. We train using her ball for reward so she loves this time together. Then at home we've been practicing db work which will be a number of times throughout the day but only a couple of 'attempts' at a time as she's not as keen on this. II like to see some sort of improvement, no matter how small, but that doesn't always happen.

    ETA My aim is to enter Indi in CCD in July and even though I would like to have a written diary I'm yet to be so organised.

  5. To be fair it's generally harder to distract a dog doing agility than obedience because doing the course is a reward in itself... I'm yet to get my dog to find a whole obedience routine rewarding (although she does like bits of it).

    Sorry, I missed this - as weird as it sounds there is something I've always loved about obedience and yet sadly it probably isn't that rewarding to my dog. Having said that, for my dog, the most rewarding part of obedience is the game during and after training. That's why I don't understand how people can enjoy obedience when they're plodding around the trial ring with both the handler and dog looking bored - even if they complete the trial without any mistakes - where's the fun in that :shrug:

  6. I hope this isn't getting too off track (although it is my thread and I don't mind :laugh:) but at a trial last weekend we were asked to stop TALKING next to the Novice obedience ring (the ring was in a fenced area) so obedience is still a bit regimented over here :o :laugh:

    Edit: By this I just mean, it's difficult to reward your dog at obedience trials, or even warm them up sometimes.

    Wasn't going to say anything but as long as you don't mind :laugh:

    I've been out of the loop for awhile and fully expected things to have changed when we returned. I have watched the classes to see what sort of rewards are offered and struggled to see anything - apparently rewards are not encouraged :eek: . A couple of weeks ago a lady was chatted for using a tug with her Mal - it was working beautifully but it was a distraction to the rest of the class.

    My next 'issue' will also be warming up before a trial - I would like to use her tug, but I don't want to upset other handlers???

  7. No-one at my club uses balls or tug either in mock trials, but I'm pretty sure no-one would have a big issue with it if it was explained beforehand :)

    SFE is our easiest exercise :o Touch wood.

    I could use food but it's not huge on her rewards ladder, so fingers crossed they're ok with her tug.

    I've gone from having dogs that hated SFE and being handled by strangers to a dog that loves everyone - I'm happy to work with what I've got :laugh:

  8. I would recommend asking someone involved - perhaps you are worrying about nothing! I've found that as long as I listen to advice without being rude, and pre-warn them about my intentions, people don't really mind what I do. The more rapport I build with people by training and trialling my dog, the easier it gets :) Trust me I was very intimidated by the senior triallers at first but now not so much.

    Thanks wuffles, I get on well with a number of people involved in the running of the club, however none of them use balls or tugs as rewards (even requesting people not use them in classes). I will let them know my intentions beforehand, although I'm not sure what I'll do if they say no.

    I will almost always reward a SFE because she use to be a super nervy dog although I probably needn't these days.

    SFE is the hardest exercise for my girl as she see's everyone as a potential cuddle and melts when approached - it would be huge for her not to move and would deserve a huge reward (tug :) )

  9. IMO a mock trial is your opportunity to bring fun into the ring. I would be using my dogs highest level rewards for any parts that need help, make it the best place ever..

    I do this at a club I belong to, but most people just use it exactly like a trial run out.:confused:

    As long as you are mindful of other users, dont leave food on the ground etc, don't be intimidated by what others say and do, use it for you and your dogs greatest advantage.:thumbsup:

    I agree with this - including being intimidated by others.

    My shepherd is 'almost' ready for the ring, something I've been preparing her for since I brought her home at 8wks. She's ball driven (loves her tug too) however there's not a lot of places where we live that encourage any sort of reward let alone using her prey drive. That's been fine until now - I take her to a local club and they're ok with me going off doing my own thing but now I want to try her in the mock trial ring and I'm already feeling intimidated :( . At the moment I train at the far end of the paddock so I won't upset anyone, but their mock trial ring's right next to their classes. I won't be throwing her ball but I would like to use tug in the mock trial ring but I'm pretty sure at best it won't be appreciated and at worst I'll be asked not to use it - so yes I'm already feeling intimidated :o

  10. My neighbours reported my dogs to the council because they were barking. Unfortunately for them they didn't look to see what they were barking at - their cat in OUR yard! The council were great and supplied a trap to us (free of charge) and we caught the cat and handed it in to the council. This happened a number of times (same cat) before our neighbours rehomed the cat. Fortunately the cat wasn't harmed (luckily) considering I had 2 gsd's and a Goldie at the time. If the owners were responsible and kept their cat inside they'd still have it today

  11. My order came yesterday afternoon. Super quick!! Unfortunately the DVD that I really wanted was not sent due to an 'inventory error'. frown.gif

    What's inventory error supposed to mean??? ...... "ummmm, we put it on the inventory and we shouldn't have" :shrug:

    That was a quick delivery SK, I'm still waiting

    ETA Did they give you a credit for their 'inventory error'?

  12. Can't offer advice sorry - just heaps of sympathy!!!! I had a foster Military Working Dog pup that would eat my other dogs poo while they were still doing it :eek: - my DIL called it soft serve :laugh: . I tried the pineapple juice, giving it the the MWD pup (a capful with his dinner) and my own two dogs and my foster ended up with diarrhoea :( He came to us at 10 weeks with this habbit and went back to them at 7mths improved but still doing it :(

  13. When they arrive, if this looks good, you can always buy mine from me. I checked all the books except for this one to see if it was on Kindle. As it turns out it was on Kindle and I prefer e-books. Let me know if you are still interested - unless you have a kindle, then just head to Amazon :)


  14. Well I just went mad and spent $132 (including postage of $50, it was $81 before postage. The normal price of the goods I purchased were $237.80 so a good bargain anyway. I got things that you don't normally see:

    CTS in The Ribbons - Brittany Brittany DVD

    Good Times With Older Dogs - Care, Fitness and Health by Dorothee Dahl - book

    Winding Down DVD - Understanding and Appreciating the Ageing Process by Karen Shaw Becker

    When Good Dogs Go Bad DVD by Pamela Reid PHD - couldn't resist this one as she is so brilliant and this DVD was $120 down to $36

    The Dog Trainer's Resource - APDT Chronicle of the Dog Collection book - a collection of articles from trainers like experts like Bob Bailey, Jean Donaldson, Ian Dunbar, Nicole Wilde, Sue Sternberg, and Karen Overall - I know I will love this 5 clickers for $2 - how good is that, I am always loosing them and they cost $5 each to buy at the club :)

    After I made my order I went back for another look (should never do this *insert Mr Rolly Eyes*) and was sorry I missed this one.

    My DVD's totalled $240 and I got them for $73.45 (+ postage) - and I definately could have bought more :laugh:

    Am now off to look at Tawzerdog site :)

  15. How come everyone's postage is so expensive? I've never paid more than about $20 for delivery from Dogwise. confused.gif

    Also looks like most things are one off's? There was a lot more available last night and the book/DVD's I bought are no longer listed...

    **ETA, just randomly added 4 books to my cart and postage was $18. $25 for 6 books.

    I'm wondering the same thing SK :confused:

    I find if I pay Leerburg with Visa it can work out cheaper than Paypal. Could that be it the difference??? - I paid Dogwise with my Visa card (there wasn't a Paypal option that I could see)

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