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Posts posted by Shelby

  1. We were visiting at a house which had a huge water tank embedded in the yard. You could walk on the top of the concrete but then there was an 8ft drop. You guessed it, my boy Rambo was too busy looking over his shoulder wagging his tail and not watching where he was going. He went straight over the edge. We all panicked but he came wandering up the yard sniffing as if nothing had happened but with a very sheepish look on his face LOL He was always running into walls or doors. Gosh I miss him - his tail never stopped wagging.

  2. Can give you a list of the Breed Show Case -

    American Staffordshire Terriers, Anatolian Shepherd Dogs, Collie Club NSW, Shetland Sheepdogs, White Swiss Shepherds, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Chihuahua Club, Dachshund Club, Dalmatian Club, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Golden Retrievers, Country Griffon Bruxellois Club, Lagotto Romagnolo, Poodle Club, Rottweiler Club, Siberian Husky Club, Sporting Spaniel Society, English & American Cocker Spaniels, Australian Terrier Club, United Retriever Club, English Springer Spaniels, Junior Kennel Club NSW, Alaskan Malamute Club, Neapolitan Mastiff, Greyhound Adoption Program, Manchester Terriers, German Shepherd Dog League, Saint Bernard Club, Bull Terrier & Bull Terrier (Miniature), Hungarian Puli, Leonberger.

    Expo is open from 10.00am to 5.00pm Saturday & Sunday. Cat show upstairs and about close to 100 stalls inside.

  3. I have four generations at home at the moment and it gives me joy to see some of the quirks from dogs that have passed, being done by their progeny. It feels like I haven't lost those that have passed forever. Don't get me wrong, they all have their individual personalities but just sometimes in the turning of the head or a reaction to something gives me an "Awwhh" moment.

  4. I have had a couple of singleton litters and have had no trouble with the raising of one. Bitches have looked after them and had no trouble with their milk supply. Pups have been fine and socialized with rest of the pack once old enough. They do realize they are in whelp. To let her have the pup and then take it away is just wrong in my opinion.

    I do hope all goes well with the birth. You never know, she may surprise you and present you with two pups. It has happened even after xrays were taken.

  5. My friend fell for the call from Telstra advising her she had a virus and would need to follow these instructions & had to buy this anti virus programme. She got off the phone and rang me. First thing I asked was if she had given them any bank or credit card details, she said yes. I told her to get off the phone from me and to ring her bank straight away to put a stop on any withdrawals. Luckily they only got $200 before account was frozen. She was mortified that she had fallen for the scam. I told her that Telstra couldn't give a flying fig if she had a virus or not - long as she paid her account, they couldn't care less. She will be more careful in future.

  6. I agree with Dyzney - you will probably be amazed at how much she is eating if you place meals, treats etc that you give over the day aside to see the total that she eats. Puppies do not have very large stomachs at that age so smaller meals may make a difference.

  7. Perhaps good outside lighting so if arriving back from a show ending late, people can see to unload their cars & trailers?? Nothing worse than trying to scramble around in the dark looking for things. Please keep up posted - would rather drive 25 minutes and have the great facilities you sound like you are going to have than be closer with nothing.

  8. Thanks Wendy H, yes she is missed. I didn't think I would miss the poke in the leg that I used to get whilst on the computer - that was her way of saying she wanted a pat but I do. It is just a pity that we only have them for a time but whilst here, they do give us their love unconditionally. I pity the people who do not have a dog/dogs in their life to enrich it.

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