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wheres my rock

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Everything posted by wheres my rock

  1. Good on you for giving it a go all i can say is relax enjoy yourself and get there early so you have time to walk around and relax.. where are you trialling for the first one
  2. None of the clubs ere were introing retrieve early but now witht he rule change i think that is being addressed its not just retrieve that is often left to late how many runthroughs ive given and the dog is totally unfioccused when i ask them about their focus trianing they havent heard of it .
  3. Feralpup im sure there would be someone over your side of the city that can help you get to trial standard
  4. Shekina can you find a private trainer thats trialled so they know what you are aiming for you then wouldnt need a club i know quite a few epople that trial without going to a club
  5. what about a private trainer even f you went once a moth nd got them to give you work to do over that time im not sure if there is anyone down your way but there might be
  6. Then you have to be firm and dont do or allow things to be done that you dont want what area are you in
  7. I think it depends on where your coming from for me i have had great success with my trianing and have also worked with other trainers swapping ideas and trying new things im happy with the way i trian i feel very comfortable with what im doing i get great results and we have a lot of fun I do agree with talkers and doers though so many trainers talk the talk but have you seen them train a dog what have they acheved and im not talking a hundred years ago when they were using ther methods of training to the ones they are trying to sell I have often been disapponted when ive spoken to a trainer and thought wow sounds good but then when ive seen them in action they dont do as they say
  8. Favortie breed to train GSP but i love my sheltie hes sweet and soft and lovely around the house. Training style positive reward training clicker lure shape target whatever i need to get the behaviour im big on breaking things down into the smallest part then building from there that way i dont have to worry about what if the dog doesnt because it rarely happens lol and if it does its my fautl for not being clear. TRaining influences would be patty as well love her attitude and fun way to train Luke Hura an aussie trainer that set me on the path to reward training Mary Ray, karen Pryor SHeila Booth Deb Jones ive taken bits from all these people plus many others over the years and developed a method that works for me is fun and easy to understand To me training is about developing a relationship and seeing how much i can teach my dogs favorite phrases Patty Ruzzu 'If your in a hole stop digging" not sure who said this but "you reward what you want but you get what you reward" and of course 'violence begins where knowledge ends"
  9. Heres one of my whppet doing the broad jump http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g39/whippetaoc/1.jpg
  10. Heres my 12 month old heeling http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g39/whip.../tiffany038.jpg will find others today
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