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Posts posted by mantis

  1. So you expect the bull breed community to do what no other breed community has been able to do, which is stop BYBs using their chosen breeds or look-alikes?

    I think it should be up to the government to stop spreading misinformation and start enforcing micro chip, leash and containment laws and most of these attacks wouldn't even be happening, because all dogs would be safely contained or under effective control, which seems to be the number one common factor as far as I can see.

    Exactly & apply the enforcement on ALL breeds, no matter the size or breed, from Chi's to Mastiff's.

  2. It looks to me that if owners/supporters of bull breeds can't even convince people on this forum without being abusive and rude, there is no chance in hell they can convince general public. I am just glad I don't have any of those breeds.

    The first off lead dog that attacked my Kenny was a poodle, lucky for it that he wasn't aggressive & just knocked it down & held it by the throat, until the idiot owner stopped screaming & put it on lead. Her dog was totally unharmed, it didn't stop her abusing me for having one of "those dogs" out in public. The owners of the next two off lead dogs that attacked him did the same. OH & the last dog that attacked him, sent me to hospital, requiring me to get over 20 stitches in my leg, strangely that incident didn't make the news.

    It annoys the crap out of me, that those three attacks, turned my sweet boy into a FA dog, who I was too scared to walk before 10pm. So sorry if I get bloody angry at people always blaming Bull Breeds, especially on a supposed dog lovers forum. :mad

  3. But if there's a two week grace period as she'd just moved wouldn't the registration from the previous municipality have covered that?

    Not that I agree with it but with all the recent propaganda regarding bull breeds attacking you can understand why the average Herald Sun reading Joe would be concerned with a dog of this type in their yard.

    As I understand it, the issue was the dog wasn't registered in that municipality. I think.

    And yes, I totally understand where you're coming from, unfortunately. I spend a lot of time assuring SWF owners at my park that no, that SBT isn't a pitbull, and no, it's not going to come over here and rip your throat out. Every bully breed is automatically a baby killer in some peoples' eyes, no matter how well socialised and friendly. :cry: (and I'm a toy poodle owner!)

    Perhaps we need to bann all photos and videos of any attack related incident that way people couldnt be given the chance to perhaps link appearance with danger of a similar repeat?

    Also ban any breed mention to the generic term dog? No then people may become afraid of all dogs? Perhaps "unidentified mammal" may eliminate the problem. You cant fear something if you dont know what it is or may look like.

    Finally you have seen the light.

  4. Very close to home. :( And again, its the bloody owners fault for allowing their dogs to roam.

    Absolutely and totally true, the owners of these dogs are to blame however, the other side of the coin is if these roaming dogs were not aggressive dogs, the people encountering them may have escaped with a good licking instead which creates the breed factor and let's guess the breed.....Bull breeds again, what can you say in their defence when it's the same type of dog over and over again??

    I don't advocate to ban the breed, what needs to be done is investigate who bred this crap and who's got them........the old breeding free for all strikes again......law needs to stop these BYB's and random breedings in the hands of people that haven't a clue how to breed a stable dog fit for community habitation.

    Here you go, some attacks by non bull breeds. Happy now?



    Cattle Dogs:


    Great Dane x:


    In my googling, I have discovered that attacks by other breeds are seldomly reported more than once and usually stay in the local news. Bull breed attacks get nation wide attention and often multiple articles are written on the same incident.

    The BH incident involving cattle dogs has been reported on repeatedly though, mostly because of the piss weak sentence the owner received.

    I wouldn't waste your time with these posters, who won't ever stop bashing Bull Breeds. To them, they are all "landsharks". :swear:

  5. I think Ive realised the solution, well for me anyway.

    Stay off the streets, if you dont put yourself out there to get hurt, no headlines, no innocent breed in trouble because of you, no breed bashing. Problem solved.

    Great. Sounds good.

    Agree. :thumbsup:

  6. RSPCA!!

    Who remembers Jane Speechly who was a member here for such a short time? Mantis, I know you do :laugh:

    HA HA yes dear Jane, she got hammered with all the accusations against them, she said she would come back when she had the answers to the accusations, strangely she never did. :rofl:

  7. They definitely were, and Hugh Wirth still seems to be fundamentally, but he's been gagged by the powers that be thankfully.

    The RSPCA has been instrumental in the initial implementation of BSL, and have been disgustingly quiet in Victoria over the past 18 months, but I'm very glad to see them actually stepping up to the plate on this. Now all they need to do is refuse to euthanase dogs that have been seized purely on appearance.

    Their profits must have been affected, that would be one of the only things to really encourage them to change their mind.

    Was just about to post that. I think they have realised it's hurting them financially, supporting BSL. All they care about is money, animals come second.

  8. What do people honestly expect when the breeding of dogs is a free for all, breed what you like, when you like to whatever you like and the community suffers the consequences of poorly bred dogs with character deficiencies and flaws.......what do people think will be the result in a breeding system that has no accountability for what is being produced?

    A car manufacturer produces a car with a faulty brake system and authorities force a national recall where the manufacturer is responsible to rectify the problem and can be held accountable for public saftey. A breeder whether that be a BYB or registered breeder, can mismatch two dogs to produce fear biters or traits of uncapped aggression and that's ok..........IMHO it's not ok at all, these breeders of crap dogs need to be held accountable.

    The Rotty for example who attacked the child's face........what sort of a Rotty is this thing, who bred the damn dog with what in the parentage.....the dog was so short in nerve, so displaced in suspicion that it needed to attack a child assumed as a threat, or was the dog scared of the child and attacked out of fear......whatever the case........that dog was a crap Rotty at all levels......I doubt the Rotty had been trained to attack kids in a working role, the dog was clearly of poor breeding, but as we speak, the breeder of that dog could be preserving the poor trait quality in the next litter for the next accident to happen with the next unstable dog they produce excellent isn't it :mad

    The sad thing is that people in the "tough breeds" actually do purposely breed these types of dangerous dogs.......even in working circles, they can often promote and breed dogs of unstable character and condemn dogs of stable character as not having enough "civil drive" because they don't know how to select or train a dog of balanced temperament and character for the working roles they breed for. The same applies with many of these Bull breed concoctions, purposely breeding powerful dogs with high levels of social aggression as pets come protection dogs......it's these dogs getting out when the owner drops the ball that ends up in scenarios like the recent jogger attack.

    It's time breeders of dangerous dogs are held accountable.....stopping at the owner isn't good enough to lessen the chance of further attacks.....breed crap dogs of unstable character and it's involved in an unprovoked attack look out is how IMHO it needs to be.

    Dear dog, the ignorance & hatred of some people is upsetting, especially on a dog lovers forum. :mad

  9. What I've gotten from a scan of some posts is that people do support BSL. Well we have BSL, yet people are still being maimed and killed by dogs in alarming numbers. BSL doesn't work, it's unenforeceable and ineffective, maulings like this one are pretty clear evidence of that.

    Imagine if APBTs etc were made legal. People could acquire the breed from responsible, registered breeders instead of the BYBs who are currently the only option. Were APBTs legal, they would be eligible for conformation shows, some lines could be bred for pet temperament and conformation showing, with lower drive, and higher arousal thresholds, great for suburban families. Other lines would be bred for work (by which I mean sports like weight pull), these pups, being of working temperament must be homed far more carefully, only to people capable and dedicated enough to meet their rather demanding management requirements. The only way to ensure the latter are being homed appropriately is to make them legal so that the responsibility is taken out of the hands of BYB cowboys and put in the hands of responsible, registered breeders whose practices are subject to scrutiny by regulatory bodies.

    Supplement the responsible breeding and homing of pups (which can only occur is BSL is repealed) with education programs, strict enforcement of leash and containment laws, jail for owners of dogswho maim people, and we really would have the beginnings of legislation that really would be effective in reducing the occurrence of horrific maulings.

    Repealing BSL would open the way for sensible, effective legislation.

    Inez (and others who are pro BSL) are vociferously against repealing BSL. Ergo Inez (and co.) are vociferously opposed to any move towards enacting sensible legislative efforts to curb the maulings. The only logical conclusion is that Inez and other supporters of BSL support the status quo - these regular and savage maulings.

    You are wrong. I agree wholeheartedly with you.

    All I want is the owners of these dogs to be as responsible for theirs as we are for ours.

    NONE of my dogs have ever been allowed to roam. I do not believe it is safe for either my dogs or fair for anyone to be confronted with a strange dog be it running in front of their car and causing an accident, or going into their property or risking their stock may be frightened or wost case attacked or cause fear of attack.

    It is absolutely infuriating to come home and find someone elses are on my property, chasing my stock or attempting to attack my dogs.

    We shouldnt have to wake up to the screeaming of our neighbours sheep or goats being torn to pieces, to find a foal or a calf mauled through no fault of its own. Of course in surberbia its children, pets and in this latest tragedy that poor jogger.

    If I and my friends can be responsible for our animals WHY on earth cant others be just the same?

    If they really cared for their dogs regardless of whether its a toy or a giant breed. It belongs AT HOME and under supervision.

    What is really needed is strong enough laws that people who dont can be prosecuted with more than a dont be naughty again.

    Banned for life from ever owing one again if they repeat offend.

    As for the sickos that get their kicks when they run down working dogs any chance they get on roadsides moving their owners stock or in the case of the poor husky pup shoot it as its happlily running to them? At least that one has had his guns confiscated. But many just use their cars, they should still be held to account if their number plate can be read.

    It wont ever stop these things happening, murders still happen, but any reduction possible would be at least a cause for celebration.

    Knowing the potential of your chosen breed and and making sure accidents cant happen is the best start surely?

    Feel the need to quote to account for the retrospective editing.

    This post implies that you don't support BSL, however every other post you've written implies you do support BSL, which is it?

    :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

  10. "But you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ears, as they say, you can try" this one takes the cake gonna go give my sow's ear a pat ha ha really.

    I just gave my sows ear a pat, she looked at me like she was asking why I woke her up. :rofl:

    I'm not sure if my girl is a sows ear or not - but I'm damn sure she would nom one up given the chance :p

    Cougar loves sow ears, not as much as chicken frames though. :laugh:

  11. "But you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ears, as they say, you can try" this one takes the cake gonna go give my sow's ear a pat ha ha really.

    I just gave my sows ear a pat, she looked at me like she was asking why I woke her up. :rofl:

  12. dont teach it!! once they start barking its a pain trying to teach them how much is too much!!


    Doof NEVER barked once until I taught him to do it a year after I got him. Now (10 years later) he's a bloody pest with barking at random stuff, he particularly takes offence if we seem excessively happy (laughing or anything vaguely exciting). I wish I'd never taught him!!!!

    So how did you teach him to bark? I've tried barking & telling Cougar to speak, but she just looks at me & then goes back to sleep.

  13. I'm getting disillusioned with this site, as it seems to have turned into a Bull Breed bashing forum. :swear:

    Mantis, to be honest, I think you're possibly just a little battle weary and jaded. It's making you more sensitive to things that are being posted. It happens to people who are passionate on certain subjects on here and many of those reader will have felt the same or similar at some point along the way.

    Take a rest and re-charge. I mean that in a caring way too in case it doesn't come across that way.

    Nope Anne, see the post below your reply to me, it is definitely turning into a Bull Breed bashing, it makes me sick to think this is happening on a dog forum. :cry:

  14. dont teach it!! once they start barking its a pain trying to teach them how much is too much!!

    I've never had a problem stopping my dogs barking, simply "enough" command & "sit" shut them up. All the other dogs in the unit complex alert bark, the other tenants all think it's hilarious that Cougar doesn't. Someone could break into my unit while I'm in bed & steal all my furniture & Cougar wouldn't care, well maybe she will have a problem if they take the couch. :laugh:

  15. I'm interested in the replies Mantis. My boxer is the same, and I wouldn't mind an alert bark when someone comes to the door. He just stands there wagging his tail at them. :laugh:

    Days go by without a single bark....

    You're lucky, Cougar doesn't even get off the couch. :laugh:

  16. I know people will think this topic is weird, as a lot of people have trouble stopping their dogs barking.

    My sweet rescue Staffy Cougar never barks when people knock on my door, which is a pain if I am out the back, as I can't hear the knocking & have missed many visitors who have come around. My other dogs have always barked to let me know someone was at the door, I was able to train them to stop barking once I went to the door, but how do you train a dog to bark when someone knocks? :confused:

  17. Yeah cool was the reason i got my killer fighting dog who by the way was just charged at by a lab carrying on like a loony while the owner laughed. You know what he did in response kept on trotting along with a big smile on his face not paying it any notice. he has been bitten severly on his neck requiring vet treatmont and charged numerous times the worst he has ever done back was a single bark. the post above is a joke .

    Agree, my Kenny was attacked by a Poodle & two GSD, none of the times did he bite back, just held them down until the owners eventually came & put them on lead, turned him into a FA dog.

    I'm getting disillusioned with this site, as it seems to have turned into a Bull Breed bashing forum. :swear:

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