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Everything posted by yorkpark

  1. Hi Everyone Entries STILL OPEN but we are working on the catalogue and MUST close during this week. Entries by e-mail would help. Thank you David President
  2. LILLYDALE K C is most appreciative of the support from WHELPING SUPPLIES. RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT FRIDAY SATURDAY SHOW. Cheers David B President
  3. YES ENTRIES STILL BEING ACCEPTED. Thank you and gooid luck. LOTS of GREAT Prizes for all! Cheers David B President
  4. Hi Everyone Our Show Secretaries are HAPPY to accept entries all next week! Where do you find such amicable show secretaries? Lillydale K C Inc is also pleased to be A PROUD SUPPORTER OF DOGS VICTORIA & KCC PARK. Rare Gundogs will be awarded with BEST Rare Gundog and we thank this club for their support. VIEW WEB PAGE for Judges Profiles www.lillydalekc.com INDOOR SHOWS Thank you for your support. David B President and Committee
  5. Thanks to our SUPERB Dedicated show secretaries the paperwork is most efficient.Thank you for your entry. Cheers David B
  6. Thank you your entries will most certainly be accepted. "The Exhibitor Friendly Club" appreciates every single entry. David B
  7. Hi Everyone ENTRIES CLOSING VERY SOON for this Double Header of Shows on Friday 10th & Saturday 11th August @ KCC Park, Lyndhurst. INTERNATIONAL AND INTERSTATE JUDGING PANEL "The Exhibitor Friendly Club" Trophies The Most highly recognised in Australia! Visit our WEB PAGE for full show schedule & Judges profiles www.lillydalekc.com FRIDAY Show commences 12 Noon. THE BIG SACK SALE IS ON AGAIN! Saturday show only.Thank you to our many SPONSORS Club enquiries-Brenda Harper Ph 5964 8571 or David Barclay 9735 1416 [email protected] Don't miss these TWO Shows in August.
  8. Hi Take a look at www.lillydalekc.com web page that has a link to GREAT accommodation near KCC Park Chers David B
  9. Hi Gael Can you kindly confirm RAIN, Wind or Hail the shows are outdoors? Forecast is WET Saturday & Sunday. Cheers Db's
  10. Hi Everyone, This is the answer to keeping Dogs & Exhibitors cool in Summer! IT WORKS just ask the Flower Growers next door. Evaporative air coolers have a wide range of applications that include both residential and industrial uses. Air coolers are more cost-effective and practical alternative compared to refrigeration or air conditioning units. They are also relatively easy to install and maintain. Most air coolers are 80% cheaper compared to air conditioning units. At the same time, they consume lesser amount of electrical energy and they are less likely to break down. These are not surprising considering that air coolers have relatively simple mechanisms. A typical air cooler is comprised of a water evaporator and a blower fan. The air temperature is lowered by spraying mist into the air and circulating the air. Air coolers are ideal in environments that have relatively high temperature but low humidity. Air coolers are also well-suited for regions that have temperate and dry climates. Aside from residential use, air coolers are also widely used in industrial plants, construction sites, commercial kitchens, dry cleaners, greenhouses, poultry ranches, hog farms, dairy farms, kennels and warehouses. However, in areas with high humidity, air coolers may become less effective. Nonetheless, they may be combined with air conditioners for more efficient dissipation of heat. Evaporative air coolers can be used to cool the radiator coils of large air conditioning systems. Unlike air conditioners, evaporative air coolers do not rely on the compression and expansion cycle of gas refrigerants. On the other hand, an air condition unit is also classified as a type of air cooler. However, an air conditioning unit does not simply lower the air temperature by improving ventilation or air circulation. An air conditioning unit also dehumidify and purify the air by condensing the air moisture content and particulates. An air conditioning system is also capable of filtering the air from the outside.
  11. What a shame and a pity the club did not have security in place. This show has become well known and now for all the wrong reasons. We all know this sis not the first time such damage has happened at events around the country. Perhaps time Dogs Vic and the clubs planned on having all shows within 100km of the city at their owned or leased venues. Wonder if club insurance will cover damage?
  12. Hi All If you are looking to buy a Strong Canopy Buy Direct http://www.canopyoutdoor.com.au/ Mention Lillydale Kennel Club and receive a super deal! One person can carry these Strong Lightweight canopies! These canopies will withstand all types of weather conditions. One of Lillydale K C Loyal sponsors!
  13. Hi Everyone The Lillydale K C committee, Show Manager & Dogs Victoria Rep wish to thank you all for the superb friendly atmopshere at the shows last weekend. We appreciated your co-operation with the Parking, Indoor set ups and above all the wonderful sportmanship by exhibitors. We feel everyone was a winner! The kind words from exhibitors were greatly appreciated and the judging pabnel has asked me to convey their appreciation to all exhibitors. WINNERS PHOTOS & RESULTS will be posted on www.lillydalekc.com Dogzonline along with our many SPONSORS have assisted our shows and we look forward to August 2012 when we shall have a Friday & Saturday show with an International and Australian panel. In concluding I wish to convey appreciation to Victoria Police and Ambulance Service who attended to the care of the injured young boy in a truly professional manner at the Wedge Road exit.Our club will be writing to both servicesd to thank them for their professional work. Until 2012 David Barclay President Lillydale K C
  14. Hi Everyone, The Two Shows this weekend at KCC Park will be held indoors. The club has rings located indoors to ensure maximum space for exhibitor set ups. Please note the committee will not be ready for any 6am arrivals on Friday! Your enthusiasm is greatly appreciated but we would prefer exhibitors arrive from 10am. The Canteen will be open on Friday. Good luck to all exhibitors David B President
  15. LADIES TOILETS AT KCC PARK Indoor pavillion. I heard the ladies bathroom facilities were not working today (Saturday). Ladies please write a note to DV office and mention the concern which has happened on many occasions for male & female bathroom facilities.
  16. Hi All Clarification ALL CHALLENGE WINNERS AT SATURDAY SHOW receive an Eco bag. The committee is very pleased with Both show entries. Dogs Victoria shouild also be happy with additional revenue to improve and build DV facilities for membership. Indoor show will be comfortable. Cheers David B President
  17. LILLYDALE K C "LUCKY CASH" & "POT OF GOLD" CHAMP SHOW NEWS. Hi Everyone BREED Numbers & New Press Release are now available to view www.lillydalekc.com Exhibit Numbers will be posted by Monday 8th August. Both Show Indoors at KCC Park Westernport Highway, Lyndhurst. No Raffle at our shows but LOTS of Great Prizes. All Challenge Winners will receive an Eco Bag. Thank you for the fantastic entries. Good luck to Everyone David B President
  18. YES Yes YES. THE BIG SACK SALE IS ON AGAIN BIGGER THAN EVER! Same Prices as the Five Previous Years! Watch for New Press Release on lillydalekc.com by Tuesday with Breed entry numbers. Thank you for asking David B President lillydale K C
  19. The Lucky Exhibitor who has guessed (very close) Lillydale K C "Lucky Cash" entry is Samantha ( Stolzseinrotts). Well Done kindly come to the office at the show and idenmtify yourself to our President ( David B). You will receive a lovely PRIZE complimwents of Lillydale K C. Breed/Group details will be listed by Tuesday 2nd August.
  20. Hi Everyone, Lillydale K C will announce the Breed/Group entries for "The Lucky Cash " & "Pot Of Gold" via our Dogzonline Web Page on Tuesday 2nd August. www.lillydalekc.com Lillydale Kennel Club "The Exhibitor Friendly Club" wish to thank exhibitors for their support of our shows. The entries are just amazing! Judges are all confirmed as per The Schedules and we look forward to Friday 12th & Saturday 13th August. A Press Release will be also added to our Web page on 2nd Augus. Good luck to everyone. David B President Lillydale Kennel Club
  21. Hi Everyone Lillydale K C "Lucky Cash" Championship Show on Friday 12th August has a quiz. The correct answer will receive a VERY BIG special CASH prize. Condition-You must be entered at the show to win The Prize. Entries have not yet closed and any suggestion we know the count is not correct as entries are still coming in. The final count will be announced once the catalogue last number has been entered. HINT. The entry is more than the committee were expecting! ENTRIES ARE STILL OPEN but we will close soon. The date will be announced via DOL and LKC Web page. The winner of The Prize will also be announced via DOL. Please note your first name on the entry to this competition. Thank you for all the entries. David B Lillydale K C
  22. Hi Lilydale K C has a motto "The Exhibitor Friendly Show" and we will assist by all means the comfort of exhibitors. Last year with a huge entry we advertised the breed entry in each group which we will be doing again via DOL and LKC web page. This information will assist exhibitors with breeds later in the groups so they don't have to come early. Furthermore we will have a large area in the middle of the Boxhall pavillion for set ups. Anyone with excessive space will be asked to kindly consider fellow exhibitors. We have some "treats" to make everyone happy and again our sincere thanks for the entries to date. David B Lillydale K C
  23. Hi All YES Lillydale K C ENTRIES STILL OPEN Friday & Saturday showsEntries still in the post will be accepted all this coming week. Thank goodness our club has understanding show secretaries! Sincere thanks to Brenda & Jeanine you are both highly respected committee members.NO need to call secretaries just post your entries. Final closing day will be listed on Lillydale K C Web page noted on Dogzonline. Thank you to exhibitors already entered. David B President
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