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Posts posted by Cody

  1. First human fatality, yes. I also grieve for all the wildlife and any livestock and domestic pets who have died in the fires as well.frown.gif

    Watched an amazing news story on a family who were not permitted into the fire zone to save their dog, chooks and ducks. Once the danger was over they prepared for the worst as they drove closer to their property and saw their neighbours homes razed - their own home was burnt to the ground and they began to grieve for their pets. As they turned into their own driveway, however, what should greet them but the dog guarding the chooks and ducks and keeping them safe and well in the driveway! Touched a chord with me.

    That certainly brings tears to the eyes. Do you know which news/channel it was on?

  2. It's not illegal and I'd like to see where. In some states its illegal them to charge more for having pets but to me personally its a show of good faith and that you wish to do the right thing by the owners... Ikknow we offered an extra $50 per dog with our bond when we moved in as a "pet deposit" is what I called it...as I understand that some people are just irresponsible jerks with animals and take advantage of an owners kindness as its hard to get a rental with pets. They declined the deposit but we've always tried to do the right thing by owners the yard was weeds when we arrived its now lawn, we keep small running repairs ect so if we can fix it we will to save money for the owners...

    They would have declined that as that is also illegal.

    If a real estate asked me to pay more bond or rent because I had a pet I'd tell them to shove it and report them to the RTA.

    Each to their own... we offered it was up to them if they chose to accept it or not... like I said show of good faith that we were serious tenants and that we wanted to do the right thing anf... its hard enough to find a place to rent with one animal let alone 2-3 we had at the time (our living circumstances have changed since so have flexibility on dog numbers).

    It's hard enough to find a rental without pets. :laugh: So I see where you're coming from.

  3. It's not illegal and I'd like to see where. In some states its illegal for them to charge more for having pets but to me personally its a show of good faith and that you wish to do the right thing by the owners... Ikknow we offered an extra $50 per dog with our bond when we moved in as a "pet deposit" is what I called it...as I understand that some people are just irresponsible jerks with animals and take advantage of an owners kindness as its hard to get a rental with pets. They declined the deposit but we've always tried to do the right thing by owners the yard was weeds when we arrived its now lawn, we keep small running repairs ect so if we can fix it we will to save money for the owners...

    They would have declined that as that is also illegal.

    If a real estate asked me to pay more bond or rent because I had a pet I'd tell them to shove it and report them to the RTA.

  4. Esky I'd write first lol we didn't we just hid the extras lol ;) noy recommended but then again we're some of the best tenants previous owners had and when the house went up for sale we had the Estate agent introducing the owners to the dogs lmao because they loved the dogs!

    If you're really wanting to have that extra dog and can afford it offer the owners extra say $20 a week or something to cover any damages (not that there will be) that new puppy might cause...

    Dunno if its in your contact but ours states pest spray and carpet clean even though dogs are outside (they're not now but owners know this and gave permission) if its not offer that before you leave.... basically you need to make iy seem like keeping you on as a tenant is an asset to them as you could always just leave and find someone who will let you have the extra dog once your lease is up

    It's illegal to offer more rent.
  5. Greencross is a massive franchise that is looking at purchasing another 200 clinics around the country and has shareholders to answer to.

    That line right there would mean I would never go to one unless there is no other choice at all - scary!

    Yep. You wouldn't ever even catch me dead in one of those places.

  6. I cannot believe the woman is being criticised for her language after she watched her dog die needlessly in such a traumatic way. And the comment about her being good looking- almost every article has a picture of the owner, who cares what they look like?

    Poor dog, poor woman. :(


    I sure as hell would let loose with the language if that happened to my pet.

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