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Everything posted by NickyC

  1. Thanks! It is so frustrating that everything seems to be going fine except for weight gain. <sigh> Kelpies are slim dogs anyway but not this slim. Nicky
  2. I may up the dose of Enzyplex again. As I was adding a teaspoon per meal and leaving for 20mins as recommended by fellow EPI dog owners but I was concerned about giving her too much. I have read here someone giving their dog 2 teaspoons per meal. I might try adding some more to see if that will help if not better look into Creon. How is the Creon administered compared to the powder? Just give the dog the tablet? Crush it up in their meal? If so does it have to soak like the powder? Is it a stronger form than Enzyplex? Sorry so many questions. I know different things work for different dogs so I can only give it a try then go onto the next thing til I see some change in her weight. Thanks for replying. Nicky
  3. Seen the progress and Congrats! My dog was diagnosed late last year. My dog is on raw with added supplements like Enzyplex, cod liver oil etc...I give her kibble (low fat), veges, pasta alternating each meal so she doesn't get bored. She is pretty much eating anything which is good. Can I ask what does the Creon do? Susie stools are fine sometimes she might have a bad day but mostly they are solid but she hasn't gained weight which worries me. But some people say it can take up to a year or sometimes they won't regain their weight which is frustrating. She is an Australian Kelpie, I was told 17kg is perfect weight, she was 23kg when she was a little tubby before her illness but she is around the 14kg maybe less. What can I add for her to gain her weight? I would like to get her back to 17kgs. I still worry she is wasting away in front of me. Nicky
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