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    My two GSD, my two sons, my garden, good friends good wine and good times
  1. I was going to let my meighbour (with the low fence line) come around on the weekend and give them a pat/a treat - not something from their kitchen, but one of my doggie treats. I only leave my back door open when i or my housemate is at home. The dogs are not going to know whose food is whose when your not there, they will take food from anyone then.
  2. Do you mean a tad hostile like the quote above? Hmm, you may be right. No.....I dont believe so, I meant the one above now!!
  3. :D Phew....getting hostile vibes, but hey that might be just me!
  4. My GSD used to help me by getting the washing off the line too, I tried everything, but maturity seemed to be the answer, at about 12months old she just stopped!! never been near it again!
  5. Oh! I didnt have him then, I didnt lock him away, I take him for walks everyday and out in the car with the windows safely up in case a dog walks by while we are stopped.
  6. Ive got a similar problem with my male GSD. Behind the gate he will dam near tear it down to get to another dog walking past or if out on a leash he goes nuts if he sees another dog, lunging, teeth bared absolutely frightening and he is 49kg walking with my 32kg girll GSD who just thinks omigd here we go again. yet I have found a dog in my back yard and he has paid no attention to it, he has had a little dog on my front lawn and Khan got out and just ignored it. I feel it is just some sort of domination thing and is all bluster but I cant take the risk if I was to let him off the lead in the reserve. He carried on one day when he saw from a distance this little old lady pulling one of those shopping trolleys! He was locked in a backyard for 5years with two other dogs and never taken anywhere, is he de socialised?? And what can you do. Sorry to hop on the back of this post but I wouldnt mind some advice if anyone can help, he is now just turned 7yrs.
  7. That is one cute little pooch, so glad everything cme out OK, pardon the pun!
  8. Yep I agree with that!! Pal does tend to have that effect or the sardines.
  9. Your poor little baby fur kid. What about sardines?? And dont get me wrong Im not an expert but sardines will make a dogs bowels let go when they are having trouble??
  10. Im laughing at MLH with the comments about the hose and sprinkler system, I didnt have to worry about sprinklers as all my hoses had a lovely array or holes all up and down them thus doubling as a sprinkler system, it saved on hose time which left me more time to play with the dogs, they are smart cookies these GSD's LOL
  11. My 3yr old female GSD was a total terror, I would come home from work and she would help me by pulling all the washing off the line (and didnt even fold it) she would carry my terracotta pots around (small ones) until she wouod here me and promptly drop of course smashing, chew up her bed, chew up my shoes dig up the back yard nothing was too much trouble for her then all of a sudden she stopped cause she stopped beinga puppy! Hang in there!
  12. So sorry Frank on your loss. I have Shepherds my self and had the dreaded cancer strike one down a couple of years ago a terrible pain have still got two and I knoe how they are just a part of you.
  13. Thanks Cosmola......I understand, appreciate your input
  14. Yep gotcha.....and Im not about to do any WWW wrestling with any of my brutes, yes I see how this would make them fearful leading to biting, I will stick with showing him the paper, he particularly likes the sports section with his mornig coffee
  15. There ya go, constructive advice, well done, thankyou. Only now you have to explain what is alpha rolling? Im just a dog lover I dont know all the scientific termonology in dog behaviour and training!
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