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Posts posted by Rhi

  1. Do you mix the honey with water? What's the right dosage?

    Sometimes (eg. once or twice a day, depending on the heat factor and whether I feel my dog needs more hydration) I will mix it with water. But only use a small amount of water (the quantity you would want your dog to drink in one go) as you'll find your dog will love it and will drink for the taste rather than because he needs all that water. I made the mistake of mixing it in too much water one time and it caused my dog to pee a lot and frequently .... not great when you're house training!!! :thumbsup:. I wouldn't give it in water directly before bed time for this reason :p. My boy enjoys licking it off his (own) spoon in between times.

    When my boy was showing the coughing symptom and sore throat, I dosed (good sized teaspoon at a time) about 3 times a day. Maybe an extra one here and there to ease the cough itself, if it started up. That was only for the first couple of days. Even though his symptoms (coughing/sore throat) disappeared inside 24 hours, I dosed him 2 x daily pretty much for the rest of the week.

    Thanks Erny. I'll go and get some.

    I got some in my break earlier $25 for 250g, with UMF15+. Expiry date 2013.

  2. Thanks Erny,

    At the moment I'm not too concerned and he's not distressed about it, will definitely keep a close eye on him though and buy some honey on my way home.



    If you can, try to get the Active Manuka Honey from a health food shop. Some supermarkets might sell it, but I'm not so sure it would be the quality stuff. It can be pricey, but IMO well worth it. I always have a jar of it in the pantry. It lasts forever (as in storage) and I use it for myself either when I think a cold or sore throat is coming on; digestive upset; or just feeling a little 'off'. I use it the same with my dogs. If I expect my dog has to undergo anything that might be stressful, I dose him up beforehand, just to give his system that extra boost. And we both love it :thumbsup:. Yum. :laugh:.

    VJB ... hope your friend's dog is ok. Sounds to me as though secondary complications set in. I've not heard of dogs being put under sedation for Cough though, nor for secondary complications. But that's only my experience.

    Yep, no worries. I'll go to the health food shop in my break. He is going to think all his Christmas's have come at once with such an awesome treat!

  3. Hi could anyone help me please,

    I picked Sable up from his normal boarding kennel last Wednesday by Friday I had noticed his nose is really runny (clear) and he was snorting regularly. Last night he started snorting backwards and rubbing his nose. His eyes are clear and normal and he doesn't look lethargic or unwell in any other way.

    Could it be a symptom of Kennel cough? I also thought it could be a cold (it's been really hot here in Adelaide, he's been inside most of the time but outside sometimes too ie the switching from hot to cool)

    I haven't taken him to the vet yet because he doesn't handle the vets well and I would have to sedate him in order to go. I just want to get other peoples opinions.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hmm no replies ...

    I haven't done this, but thought of it and got a starting point by putting treats under the mat and only allowing them the treats after they had pawed for them ... it was going quite well ... but never completed or got to the back feet ... maybe this will help?

    or it's been too long since you asked and you've already figured something out :(

    Thanks for getting the ball rolling! Great suggestion.

    I haven't mastered it yet. I was trying to get Sable 'touch' the mat and bridge as soon as his foot is on the mat. But he hasn't worked out what he is get rewarded for yet. We'll get there eventually.


  5. We had our consult last night...

    Sable was angel the whole time the behaviourist were there, he only barked 3 maybe 4 times for the whole night!!!

    No suprising news really but now have specific training tailored to his situation, so in the long run it will work out well for everyone. Basically, he is bored during the day and manipulating situations when we are home to raise himself in the pack rank and to get his way....

    We have to cracked down on his behaviour ie when asked to sit, he sits but then moves off the mark when he wants to "I could sit but... I really don't want to, so I'll go get my ball instead". So we have to really target the behaviours we want and ignore what we don't, he has to obey our commands before any rewards. He is a dominet dog, so we have to establish ourselves higher in the pack rank.

    We have to do away with his food bowl (sigh), from now on he will get his food from kongs, food cubes, busy buddies etc. NO FREE FOOD, he has to work for all his food to keep his mind active. All his toys are to be removed and only given to him for play time.

    We are to have a training session and a walk every day (already in place), in addition learn to walk with a double ended lead and teach him to 'STOP' in a emergency situation.

    I'm excited to get into a new routine, and hopefully a more rounded and happy dog. No more woof woof!

    Thanks to all those who offered advice. 8)

  6. While I thought my techniques of NILIF and ignoring him was starting to work. He just won't give up! I refused to let him inside last night so he barked for 3 hours and 1 hour this morning before work... obviously this is not a good thing. So much so that we got our Council complaint in the mail today.

    The neighbours have spoken to us before but the situation hasn't changed much and can understand their complaint. He barks all day and ALOT when we are home.

    So I've got two weeks to shut him up before the council takes it's next level of action.

    I've contacted Bark Busters and they are willing to come at the drop of a hat (providing I pay the absorbent fee). I've been reading other peoples posts on ecollars, I think that this might be the way to go. He is too intelligent for Ultrasonic and I don't want to use Citronella.

    I just need help...

  7. So, I've been doing a lot of lable and internet reading about the ingredients in Large Breed Adult foods. It's all massively confusing...

    I've come across one brand after doing a search here (in health section) I can't find many reviews.

    Does any one use Pro Plan by Purina? Please share any success/horror stories. Just interested to find out more on this brand.

  8. I've only used priceless pets once...

    The order I put in was $41 and I was charged $410!!!!!! :rolleyes:

    I understand it was human error, I just wasn't impressed when it took over a week to get my money back.

    I will use them again, because there customer service was up to scratch and the product I order arrived in my mail before I got the reembursment in my back account.


  9. Check out the amount of glucosamine in the ingredients- it's normally only a small amount, probably not enough to have any effect if your dog already have joint problems. There are so many threads on kibble- where to start? Look at the ingredients- meat should come first, not any grains like corn, rice etc. "Meat bthyproduct" less desirable than "meat meal". I like to feed at least some raw foods, also. It doesn't make sense to me that food kept "fresh" in a bag for months on end is the best nutrition, fed solely, for a dog.

    Better to give a specific supplement IMO.

    I'm sure you already know, but keeping your dog lean will also help any joint issues- less weight thru joints.

    This is great advice, I'm going to have to train myself to be a more thorough lable reader (well at least for the first purchase)!

    Thanks to everyone who has replied.

  10. Sable is currently on Science Diet Large Breed Puppy (vet is a good sales man!) and is now ready to move onto an adult diet.

    He has knee joint issues and would I like to include a Glucosamine supplement to his diet whether it's in the kibble or as additive.

    Can anyone recommend a brand that they have had success with...

  11. Anissa's method is starting to work slowly but surely. (reward when quiet ignore when noisey, change up rotine)

    but the neighbours have complained about his barking when we are not home...

    What do people think... would a DAP or ultrasonic collar also aid my training in this situation?

    ETA: I think he is to intelligent for a citronella collar, he'd quickly learn to trun his head.

  12. Hi Rhi,

    the problem is that your dog enjoys the barking itself so you can't remove the reinforcer in this case which makes it REALLY difficult.

    What you can try is to for example give a kong for play filled with yummy stuff, so you can leave hin outside for maybe 10 mins and he will be busy with his kong. You will have to carefully watch him and just return before he is finished and reward him for being quiet.

    Additionally you can start to train the "stay" so that your dog learns to be "left behind".

    Thanks, If i could bark I'd probably think it's fun too. I'll give your suggestion a go, learning to 'stay' is going to be taught at his later obedience classes... Peanut butter kongs, he's going to get fat :):eek::laugh:

  13. What do you do when he behaves in this way (barking and such?!)

    I normally just try and wait it out but sometimes when he is really demanding I'll walk past the window but completely ignore him and wait for him to settle.

    When he won't settled down I'll recall him, make him sit and make eye contact for 10 secs before praising him. This does seem to work but that means he got what he wanted... my attention.

    It's a toughy, I know...

  14. It sounds from what you've written that your dog is usually an outside dog. Is this so?

    It is true that he is an outside dog but inside at night after walk/dinner/play time.

    Dose anyone else have any tips that I could put in place, at the moment I am trying to mix up his routine and trying to randomise his rewards.

  15. We've started obeidence training, 4 weeks ago. At home we now make him earn every bit of attention he gets ie. 'sit' before we come out the door, 'wait' for dinner etc.

    The increasing problem that we are having is his demanding of attention... it started out as whinging by the backdoor and has now progressed into barking, barking, barking some more. He barks along our fence lines when theres nothing there, coming back to the house proud as punch. If we are ignoring him or he can't see us he'll repeat the process over and over again.

    His barking is strictly attention seeking, he knows when it's breakfast/walk/games/heater time. I've tried mixing his routine up a little but it's been hard. Besides pandering to his barking and/or ignoring him are there any other techniques people could suggest.

    Thanks in advance

    Rhi (going out of my mind)

  16. May I suggest to all that bath the dog in the shower or bath. That you be prepared for the enevitable drain blockage!!! Been there done that Good idea to have one of those hand held extension claws available from hardware or auto stores as they will go down a plug hole to the "S"bend and clear it.

    Good tip

    After reading this post on Friday I thought I'd give the shower a go (instead of the cold bath on the lawn)... Sable was so well behaved in the shower, only one big shake afterwards. He hated the hairdryer, nearly went through our glass window when I turned it on, so he got to dry the slow way... snoozing in front of the heater.

    My OH thought I was possessed even attempting it but in true Sable style he aced it!

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