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Posts posted by Rhi

  1. Have the neighbours ever done something to rile your pup up? When I lived with my parents in law for a little while their neighbour was stupid and put the hose on my pups! Now no matter what this neighbour does my pups bark. Just wondered.

    They were looking over our fence at him ... so putting up the visual barrier serves two purposes, no more nosey neighbour and no more barking dog!!!

  2. Rhi: update please? are you still having an issue?

    My surname is Murphy and I've been having a run of 'murphy bad luck' lately, so I tread carefully when signing his praises incase he goes back to his old habits. Since the visual barrier has gone up he hasn't barked at all! When we go off to bed he tucks himself into his kennel and sleeps through, this has been three nights now. When he does bark we give the silent whistle a blow it gets his attention, we tell him no (repeat if needed) until his quiet.

    Another great technique has been playing with him until he is totally pooped!

    So fingers crossed! :laugh:

  3. :) Looks like Bailey doesn't like the puppy lamb and rice :cry:

    We've tried soaking it... mixing it... he somehow manages to sort out the old food (which is chicken) with the lamb stuff and eat everything but the lamb! I think he might be strictly a chicken boy...Will have to try the Nutro puppy chicken stuff - what to do with this humungous bag of lamb and rice? Anyone want some???

    I've never had a fussy doggie before... :mad

    Just in case it's not an upset belly, you could boil a chicken breast. Serve it chopped in to smaller pieces mixed with steamed rice. It's soft for his teeth and if he's a chicken fan it might re-spark his interest in food.

    Just a suggestion


  4. I took my Sable to the beach for the first time on Friday. I've never had a dog that like to swim before so I was very suprised when he drove in and got totally submerged! He was very well behaved, he is normally distracted by other people and dogs but when he was in the water he was a different dog... The biggest smile!

    The cutest thing was he was scared of the waves lapping at his feet, he ran away from them and jumped over them to get back in the water.

    Fun had by all.

  5. I took my Sable to the beach for the first time on Friday. I've never had a dog that like to swim before so I was very suprised when he drove in and got totally submerged! He was very well behaved, he is normally distracted by other people and dogs but when he was in the water he was a different dog... The biggest smile!

    The cutest thing was he was scared of the waves lapping at his feet, he ran away from them and jumped over them to get back in the water.

    Fun had by all.

  6. I took my Sable to the beach for the first time on Friday. I've never had a dog that like to swim before so I was very suprised when he drove in and got totally submerged! He was very well behaved, he is normally distracted by other people and dogs but when he was in the water he was a different dog... The biggest smile!

    The cutest thing was he was scared of the waves lapping at his feet, he ran away from them and jumped over them to get back in the water.

    Fun had by all.

  7. I took my Sable to the beach for the first time on Friday. I've never had a dog that like to swim before so I was very suprised when he drove in and got totally submerged! He was very well behaved, he is normally distracted by other people and dogs but when he was in the water he was a different dog... The biggest smile!

    The cutest thing was he was scared of the waves lapping at his feet, he ran away from them and jumped over them to get back in the water.

    Fun had by all.

  8. I took my Sable to the beach for the first time on Friday. I've never had a dog that like to swim before so I was very suprised when he drove in and got totally submerged! He was very well behaved, he is normally distracted by other people and dogs but when he was in the water he was a different dog... The biggest smile!

    The cutest thing was he was scared of the waves lapping at his feet, he ran away from them and jumped over them to get back in the water.

    Fun had by all.

  9. I took my Sable to the beach for the first time on Friday. I've never had a dog that like to swim before so I was very suprised when he drove in and got totally submerged! He was very well behaved, he is normally distracted by other people and dogs but when he was in the water he was a different dog... The biggest smile!

    The cutest thing was he was scared of the waves lapping at his feet, he ran away from them and jumped over them to get back in the water.

    Fun had by all.

  10. Ok, maybe the jump on her remark didn't help, but if Rhi already said the pup couldn't be inside, then we need to give her some other things to try out.
    .....that's my opinion....you don't have to agree with it, it's a public forum....lot's of different opinions....doesn't mean anyone is jumping on anyone smile.gif

    And I gave mine too and people have disagreed, I don't hold it personally. When people come on here and are looking for support that is what we should do.

    Rhi, I see you have only had him for a week, what other things have you tried? (i.e. comfort things?)

    Thanks Jack for your support, I was feeling a little overwhelmed by so many 'inside creating' suggestions.

    I've always grown up with an outside dog, I've never considered an inside dog. He is definately part of our pack, he doesn't suffer any seperation anxieties, he is always within ear shot of us. We adopted him and don't know his previous history but he doesn't seem to have the desire to want to come inside he is happy trotting around the backyard. I feel that I have liberated him from the cage at the shelter and my heart sinks to think of putting back in a cage (even if it is only overnight)

    All that said, thankyou everyone for your suggestions. We have put up a visual barrier and have brought a silent whistle... hopefully these techniques start to help.

    PS I only read this on my work computer, sorry for the lack of response over the weekend.

    Thanks again for your help

  11. Not meaning to be rude, but I am just wondering why bringing him inside at night is not an option? Dogs are pack animals, and really prefer to be as close to their humans as possible. He would be quieter and more settled inside at night, and also more comfortable in extreme weather.

    I may be wrong but I don't think Miranda was suggesting crating him outside, but rather bringing him inside and using a crate if you don't want him to have the run of the house.

    Our laundry is really to small for such a big boy and would be cruel to leave him in there all night. I'll give creating indoors ago. Do you think this will stop him barking if were to let him back outside in the future?

  12. All my dogs are confined at night, I have five dogs here and can't afford to have dogs being noisy while neighbours are trying to sleep. None of my dogs make a sound, you may find that crating the dog or locking it in the laundry will solve your problem.

    Bringing him inside is not an option but I will investigate into crates.


  13. I'm sure you guys have read this question plenty of times before. I went through previous forums and didn't find my answer.

    My boy is an outdoor dog... we've had him a week now (he's a 9 month old black lab), by the third night the neighbour felt it was nessccery to complain to us about how noisey he is and how 'he back all night long'... wrong... do they think we don't live there? He gives about 10 warning barks at them when they turn there lights on during the night, the most has been three times in one night.

    My problem is when we go out to give him a gruff NO, he hears us coming and stops barking and waits by the step to be praised. I ignore him and go back to bed. Is this method going to get results? I don't see it as a problem as he is only doing his duty but I want to do the right thing by the neighbour.

    I'm putting up a vision barrier tomorrow to try to minimise the problem.

    Any ideas?

  14. I take all my new arrivals to the vet ASAP when they come home. :hug:

    In this case, I would have thought a phone call to the shelter as the very least to begin with?

    I'll be ringing the shelter as soon as possible, being privately run they are only open on the weekend.


  15. :hug: My partner and I rescued our 9 month Lab x Goldern Reteiver from a privatly run animal Shelter on the weekend, he was dropped at the shelter by his previous owners who brought him from a pet store. The shelter where really helpful in making sure we bonded with 'Sable' before we adopted him but the only paper work that had with him was his desexing and vacc's.

    He didn't display any symptoms when at the shelter but when we got him home he started favouring his right hind leg. He can put his full wait on it but preferrs to hover it just above the ground when resting. Is this a symptom of hip dysplasia? We did walk him on a gravel road, could he have bruised his foot? I can't see any prickles.

    It's been 3 days now.

    Any feedback will be helpful

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