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Posts posted by Cavandra

  1. Many of the "allergic " dogs are actually immuno suppressed due to reaction to Vaccines & in particular in older dogs a build up of damage through unneccessary annual Vaccines.

    My own "allergy" dogs as youngsters have been due to hormones, desex them or have a litter & symptoms have ceased.......

    Unneccessary Annual Vaccines also can cause inflamation of the brain (encephalitis), and you can have behaviour issues associated with that.

    Annual Vaccines due to suppressing the immune system also affect the thyroid, symptoms include allergy type symptoms....

    you can also get allergies & poor behaviour including aggression through the commercial dog foods due some of the "premium brands" being abnormally high in Protein. The extremely high grain content is also a culprit of "allergy symptoms", mainly due to carbs (like grains, corn, rice /pastas) converting to sugars in the body & Yeast (candida) and cancer feed on yeast.

    Studies are being done linking lack of Folic acid cause of allergy symptoms in people particularly asthma......

  2. I dont want to badmouth a product but as a nurse myself I know some people react adversely to medications that other people have no trouble with.


    When using chemicals of this nature it is only natural that it will cause immediate allergic reactions in some, while others will suffer the damage of it in the long term in other medical conditions........There is no possible way to use chemicals & it not affect the body some how.

    If you get it on your own skin you may feel the light-headness/dizziness that many people feel from such chemicals treatments.

  3. You can buy Parvac online, but thats all that I know of..........however, since you are doing it purely to keep a Club happy, you would have no proof of vaccination to provide them with anyway.

    The local Club here has 1-2 vaccination days a year @ $30 a dog ...

  4. The injection you are giving annually for exorbitant costs, is the same injection that was withdrawn from the american/euro market for years, due to excessive adverse reactions (mainly DEATH)............it has been reintroduced in those countries with ZERO modifications only that every client MUST sign a waver for a court of law that if their dog has side effects "tuff tittiES".......

    But Australia happily goes along in lala land ignoring the connection of seizures & deaths within 3 months of the injection, and declare it totally safe , and how they never see any adverse reactions.:thumbsup:))))))))))))))))

    You are by far better $$$$ & dog health wise administering a monthly chemical thru mosie season.............thats all I do , and if it goes to 6 weeks then who cares.....mthly tabs work 6 wkly, they are only called monthlys as they presume all pet owners are too dumb to mark a calender for every 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!

  5. That's really interesting, thanks for all the info.

    One problem I can see though, he doesn't eat bones other than chicken frames. Anything else he burys and my OH gets very annoyed to find big holes in his garden.

    Do you think it will still be OK with chicken frames + the other stuff minus the VAN?

    It is always best to feed in a confined space, so that you know what they have eaten, & that they are supervised in case of accidents......If he doesnt eat it in 10 minutes, take it away, he will eat when it suits you when you make him hungry enough. Mine all have their own crates for feed times.

  6. All vitamins & minerals are contained in the marrow of raw bones, and the yolks of raw eggs, offal is a must...dogs do not require a "balanced" diet modelled off human food, as they are carnivores, and opportunists, who will eat anything to survive, but things like grains & veg are not things they eat in the wild .They crop grasses & wild herbs occassionally, they may eat the odd fallen over-ripe fruits/berries, and rummage garbage bins & camp sites etc to fulfil their hunger, but they do not need it!

    It is a myth that they eat the intestines of their prey that contain fruits & veg matter...they eat everything but that, and rarely will eat the intestines.

  7. IMO if a dog is being offered for sale at that age with that problem then it is likely that that particular breeder doesnt think of it as a problem, and therefore there could be many dogs in that pedigree whereby the testicle issues have been forgiven......Absolutley not worth it.....

  8. If it is a young dog it will likely come down, keep massaging it down into position frequently. However, it is still a hereditary condition & it will likely breed on.

    If the dog is older then it should be desexed, as if you surgically have it kept down, you can not show the dog as it has been surgically altered, and if you breed from it you will likely produce it.........

    When testicle issues are ignored, or the longer they take to decend is forgiven by a breeder they will eventually end up with no testicles in their litters.

    The best pup I have bred to date had a floating one, I just pet homed him, as even though it would have come down for good, at 6 months it was unforgiveable to me.

  9. The only way you can feed too much protein to a carnivore is to feed processed dry foods..........Some of them have abnormally high amounts, so high you couldnt feed a dog that much in a natural form!!!! These processed abnormal diets can cause aggression/fear type behaviour in dogs, amongst other health issues.

    Another reason I choose to feed a raw diet to all mine :)

  10. Dogs are the same as wild dogs, they have the jaw & teeth designed to eat meat & bones, they can not grind & chew like a human, there has been no evolution, their intestines are the same, designed to break down raw foods,

    So your dogs diet is purely meat and bones? No vegtables or additives that could be considered healthy for the dog.

    Yes, they also get offal, fish occassionally, raw eggs in the shell...They get sprouts & herbs that I grow myself... occassionally too, as dogs do crop & graze grasses , also pick up rubbish & fermenting fruits on the ground etc, they are scavengers, and will actually eat anything, so I do give them anything, like my own leftovers, but rare & spasmodically.....As for supplements , they get them if they need them, as I rarely go to any Vet, I prefer to treat my dogs at home with natural remedies &/or homeopathy......

  11. There is no scientific evidence that annual vaccines were ever necessary, but doesnt stop Vets pumping animals full of it, yet if you tell them they cause harm to the animal they try to ridicule folk over it..........Its all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    In case you haven't read the name on your BARF packet it's Dr Billinghurst. A Vet :rofl: .

    I agree with settrlvr, feed your dog what it does best on.

    Not sure exactly why it is "MY" BARF packet????? I dont feed prepackaged foods...I feed Biologically Appropriate Raw Food that I get myself........I dont agree with a balanced diet in every meal, so wouldnt dream of feeding a commercial product for that reason. Let alone the expense of feeding it LOL

  12. There probably isnt anything to support Natural feeding other than common sense........

    If humans ate a processed diet instead of natural healthy foods that we are designed to eat , then we get sick......Why is it different for animals???

    Dogs are the same as wild dogs, they have the jaw & teeth designed to eat meat & bones, they can not grind & chew like a human, there has been no evolution, their intestines are the same, designed to break down raw foods, foods that humans cant eat without getting sick, so why would it be that we are feeding them & treating them like they are humans when they are not humans :)

    There is no scientific evidence that annual vaccines were ever necessary, but doesnt stop Vets pumping animals full of it, yet if you tell them they cause harm to the animal they try to ridicule folk over it..........Its all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  13. Hi,

    We have recently moved from Sydney to near Coffs Harbour, we used to go to a great dog chiropractor in londendarry but a 6 hour drive is a bit far :laugh:

    Does anyone know of someone near coffs that is any good. Our boy is quite sore at the moment and we are entered in the Royal so I'd like to get him fixed up before then.

    Cheers in advance

    Dont know anyone specifially in Coffs, but the guy Ive been using , who is excellent is at Laurieton..........If you will drive there you can pm me for contacts.

  14. I learned many years ago that a banned preservative in Australia "Ethoxyquin" which is a substance used to make rubber, was used in certain well known brand imported pet foods, the way they get around this (as in not putting it on their labels) is that their products are arriving to the factory already laced with it, so even though the company knows dam well it is in their foods, on a technicality they dont have to admit it, as it wasnt them who added it!!!

    Ethoxyquin causes auto immune diseases, skin diseases etc.......

    You may find that this is the case with preservative 220 here, in other words you will never know if it does or doesnt!

    VIP was a brand that got exposed for using it probably 10 years or more ago, whether they still use it I am clueless........

  15. My current Cavalier litter are 8 weeks old & they eat whole chicken necks, and have been doing so since 6 weeks of age.

    Mine start on raw chicken wing tips to learn to eat them.....

    I dont feed any commercial products at all, and find Cavaliers do no good on grains!yeast infections in the body breaking out as ear infections, itchy skin , hot spots ,paw licking etc........ farex is not something I would feed my litters, I do use cooked oats, goats milk to wean them mixed with raw minced chicken carcasses or beef mince.........

    What ever you decide to do , you must do it slowly, as the worst thing you can do to a Cav baby is change diet, tummies are very sensitive at young ages!

  16. Cavandra in Adelaide its not that simple. Ive approached 3 seperate clinics about titre testing because i didnt want to vaccinate but go to obedience where they have to be vaccinated. Got the same responce that titre doesnt test anitbody levels. It tests if you dog has a diseaase. Im not kidding thats what 3 vets at 3 different clinics told me! I told them they were wrong and the best quote i got was around $200 for the test.

    Its just not catching on yet here is Adelaide. Anyone who can find a vet that does it here would be great to know!

    You can tell them to contact Dr Jean Dodds via email (costs them nothing)& she will educate them on the subject! LOL...she replies very promptly!! You can send the blood to Jean Dodds in USA for $200 LOL..........

    Explain to them that they will begin to lose alot of money as clients start going elsewhere to those clinics that pride themselves on keeping up to date with the latest......The general public is educated & aware they need to keep up!.....It is quite disgraceful that Jean lectured in SA last year, and Vets should have been lined up for that conference, but they werent!!!

    An expert in the field & none of our vets could be bothered!!! Very scarry :thumbsup:

    You can also look into homeopathic nosodes, there are good Homeopathic Vets around, they may even do the testing for you!

  17. All Vets can take blood, just tell your Vet this is what they need to do, and leave it to them to organise it, blood gets sent to Perth, it is $60 at there end,and whatever youre Vet wants to chrage his end which shoudnt be very much at all. to take blood..... I think it needs to be done on a certain day of the week to get there in business hours though.

    If your dog has such bad reactions & has a compromised immune system, then is there any point to titer him? Just dont ever vaccinate him again is my recomendation.....He is covered for life if he is covered at all from his first adult shot.......

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