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Everything posted by Cavandra

  1. Dont feed grains,rice, pasta, bread corn etc etc ..Yeast lives on sugar...... carbs convert to sugar in the body.
  2. I am feeding 17 Cavaliers a raw diet & it costs $50-$60 a week.
  3. I use monthly tablets (which last 6 weeks in the dogs system, but they say monthly as it is easier for pet owners to remember).....I give it only through mosquito season , not in winter.........When I lived in a tick area, I was using Advantix through necessity, and therefore did not use tablets at all as Advantix repels mosquitos. It is not that easy to contract heartworm as we are lead to believe.
  4. The Proheart 6 (6 monthly) was banned overseas due to so many deaths , seizures etc it caused. They have re-introduced it back in June this year & every customer has to sign to say they understand the risks,so it still has the dangers , nothing has changed in the "ingredients". Our Proheart 12 here in Australia is supposedly 3 times the dosage of Proheart 6 that was banned!
  5. Look up Canine Candida (rampant yeast infection caused by grains & carbs)....the most undiagnosed yet common problem in dogs.
  6. As PETA get their way slowly but surely , in erradicating all pet ownership worldwide, we will see alot of this extremist behaviour & brainwashing, feeding carvinores Vegan & Vege diets is ridiculous. Many of the PETA whackos are Vegans!!! I am vegetarian, and my dogs eat a raw diet of meat & bones like they were designed to.
  7. Bullshit. The reason we are seeing more of these diseases is because there ARE more of them. Google Jean Dodds Vaccinosis Catherine O'Driscoll Bob Rogers Dr W. Jean Dodds came to every capital city in Australia last year to explain about vaccines to the public and vets, and hardly any vets in Australia could be arsed to go and listen to the major researcher in the world. Sad, eh? Nice post Jed Very informative, breeders are EXPERTS in their breed, it is their job to know all they can, but not just that , it is their PASSION........I hope our knowledge & wisdom isnt eventually erradicated by the need for statistics & website proof.........experience is everything !!! I wonder how the law suit is going, Dr Bob Rogers was suing the drug companies for false/misleading recomendations on their products,(ie that annuals were NOT required, and corona was NOT req & lepto NOT req etc) and suing Vets in Texas I believe for carrying it out as breaching the code of ethics when they know corona is only in pups & lepto was ridiculous..I havent heard much about it recently........These things take years to go through I suppose but I do hope he succeeds as it will change world vaccination protocols from there on.
  8. How many dogs are "many"? And can you please link to the studies about non-response to vaccines being associated with being a breed predisposed to immune disorders. The only relevant studies I've seen showed that the vast majority of dogs seroconverted after vaccination for parvo. It is a shame that we breeders & pet owners dont have statistics for you on websites & books, perhaps you can ask the expert in the field to get a list of breeds & some sort of stats...Australia is very poor in such things as we have no experts here. But email Dr Jean Dodds, she visited Australia last year & educated many folk, sadly, I only know of ONE Vet that turned up at the Sydney lecture, and they were very impressed & enlightened afterward. What a shame that all Vet clinics & universities werent represented to learn about immunity.
  9. I am sorry I missed this question somehow, but feel it has already been answered anyways.....but will repeat myself a different way......My dogs are vaccinated, they have memory cells or they dont, nothing will change that, and no amount of assaulting their immune system with vaccine will improve it..they either are or they are not, you can not make a dog MORE immune it either is or it isnt, end of story............In all the years of breeding up to 10 pups in a litter , going to dog shows on an almost weekly basis & working with dogs every day & coming home to my pups, I have not had any diseases other than a little cough once, and have an amazingly high statistic compared to others in the breed, it is rare for me to lose a pup. A titer test is not going to prove anything, if I was to titer one of my pack & find it had no immunity (and therefore never will) what are you suggesting I do with it? It seems to me that what I do & what I ve experienced proves to me what I am doing is working, and as I know so many others that have been around 40 years etc that do the same or less than me in vax & never lose any pups either, this to me means more than people running about gathering "sheeple" putting false fear into them , based on very little other than drug company $$$$ & making their dogs sick so as to guarantee further extended income & drug use..........JMO
  10. I can only say that why would I titer them?I have never heard of any valid reason to. Many dogs can never get immunity from vaccines no matter how many times you jab them (that goes hand in hand with those breeds prone to immune disorders especially, and their crosses), many folk believe if their dog had a "needle" then its immune ........I think that many of the adult dog parvo cases you have seen would more than likely come under this banner, of course this can not be proved nor disproved ....... The only cases of parvo I have ever seen have been in unvaccinated pups or those given vaccines too early at age 6 weeks. I dont vaccinate myself against hepatitis, measles, colds etc each year, why would I do my dogs Once my dogs have memory cells they have them for life, these can not be measured by any test! A titer can measure if there has been any response recently in the dog, ie that they have either recently been vaccinated or they have been actually exposed to the diseases tested for.......if the dog has not had exposure the titer should be very low if at all. Adverse reactions are rarely documented & are usually swept under the carpet, it would be quite easy in reality if all dogs had reactions instantly to be able to say "yes vaccines are harmful", however the real harm comes much later, as the experts in the field will say thyroid dysfunction is one of the great symptoms, cancers, skin conditions etc...... It is like the annual heartworm shot, I cant count how many dogs have seizures due to this.......because the adverse reaction doesnt happen within a week of the shot necessarily then of course the seizures are not related to the shot, yet the most common senario tends to be 3 months after! Detox these dogs through homeopathic vets & "miracles" often occur! Again are these things reported & documented?????? No! Proheart 6 was banned overseas, and now its back in use with the only difference being the client has to sign a form understanding their dog might have adverse reactions or die.......Proheart 12 is happily administered here! There are so many "coincidences" with the annual vaccines being pushed on the public to the introduction of healthy pedigree dogs becoming prone to cancer , leukaemia, thyroid etc etc etc........Same as the coincidences" of perfectly healthy , normal human babies becoming autistic after vaccination. My dogs one by one contracted canine cough at one time....the annually vaccinated C5 Staffy next door gave it to them, this dog hacked its lungs up for 2 weeks & went to the Vet twice for treatment.....My dogs coughed lightly & slightly for 2-3 days, and my oldest dog (therefore the most unvaccinated one LOL) didnt get it at all! My dogs had garlic crushed in mannuka honey & Ester C tablets as their treatment. In fairness I must also add that my dogs are raw fed, so again their immune systems are functioning at full speed
  11. Cavandra....do you get titre testing performed to ensure your dogs still have protective titres? No, it is unnecessary
  12. Neither! C3 @ 8-10 weeks C3 @ 12 - 16 weeks C3 @ 15 months of age & never again in the dogs life
  13. Your dog is vaccinated & needs no further assaults to the immune system....ALL VACCINE REACTIONS SHOULD BE REPORTED, YET ONLY A FEW EVER ARE, that is why there is constantly this problem, where Vets think Vaccines are HARMLESS & drug companies hide behind the FALSE statistics (cos no one reports the reactions)............sigh.............
  14. There is currently a position available at the Macarthur Vet Group Bradbury clinic on weekends for a qualified groomer. For all interested groomers you can contact Bradbury 46271333 or [email protected] for more information.
  15. I would have them done asap. I would find a Vet that understands your issue about stress, they will likely do her first & let you stay til she is knocked out....they use different anaesthetic for heart probs, costs a bit more but worth it.
  16. I currently have 14 dogs and they either dont fart or it certainly doesnt smell at all LOL they are born & raised on raw diets though.
  17. It is more than likely that the diet is the cause of the immune system dysfunction. Most dogs cant tolerate grains & cereals as they were never designed to eat them as the carnivores they are! Rice is probably the worst thing other than corn that you can give a dog on a regular basis (yet most commercial products contain 1 or both ingredients!) These such carbs covert to sugars in the body & feed Candida which is a yeast infection in a dog (same as humans).....Canine Candida is a rampant problem that goes undiagnosed 99% of the time, and only the "symptoms" are treated.......... Remove the grains & cereals for 1 month & you should have detoxed your dog enough to see a marked improvement.
  18. "Epilepsy " can be a symptom of Vaccinosis........Vaccines, particularly the Heartworm Vaccine can cause them. If this is a possibility in your case you may consider detoxing your dog homeopathically.
  19. According to the world expert.... a C7 is highly UNdesirable thing to give & very unneccessary. The 3 yearly vaccine is the same as the annual with a different label. the Australian Veterinary Association released their new recomended protocol recently & it is 3 yearly.
  20. I use honey alot for things, Mannuka is always a better option, you can crush raw garlic into the honey too & feed Ester C in high dosages.
  21. My pups are given ... C3 at 8-10 weeks C3 at 10-14 weeks C4 at 15 months And never vaccinated again! I would never give a C7 especially to a breed that is predisposed to skin disorders etc......That is 7 diseases that are being injected into your dog at one time
  22. The only time i have seen this was in a Golden Retriever who had tumours.
  23. When I gave this years ago all of them got kennel cough within days caused by the vaccine......2 of them almost died.I have never touched the stuff since!
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