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Everything posted by Cavandra

  1. Dogs are carnivores, they arent meant to eat pasta & rice etc...........These things are carbohydrates that convert to sugar in the body.........Cancers & Yeast feed on sugar..........Yeast in a dog causes all sorts of things, itchy skin, ear infections, arthritis, gut problems....a list as long as my arm, it is called Canine Candida when yeast grows out of control in the body, same as humans.
  2. You are not paranoid at all........ If your pup was vaccinated at 6 weeks of age then it is not vaccinated at all..........Pups MUST be vaccinated at age 8 weeks or older to be effective, at 6 weeks it does NOTHING, no pups should be vaccinated under 8 weeks!!!............Your pup is basically an unvaccinated pup right now!!!!
  3. It is simple for those of us who dont feed commercial products, but for the majority of the population they do feed them...... It is always one of my "come backs" when being debated over raw feeding, when people say their dogs might choke on a bone or contract some disease........I tell of the facts that most deaths & serious illness are in fact from commercial products....... I believe the indication about China is in tiny words on the back of this packet
  4. Oh ok, thanks Megan.........I just looked it up, and I have never heard of them. Didnt even know this company made any foods I thought only toys etc.......there you go hey........
  5. The thread about the chicken strips from China making their way to supermarket shelves could be related.....however....it is a well known brand, and the reason AVA are being silenced..... a chinese imported brand (or $2 shop items) would not threaten legal action........It is a well known brand that is using imported ingredients....
  6. Well one of my customers has rung "My Dog" and they clearly state their products are all Australian ingredients......
  7. The difference is that the Proheart 12 (12=12 months) is THREE times the dose of the previously Banned product Proheart 6 (6 =6months)
  8. I know someone who recently bought a puppy, it went lame at 9 months, Xray showed Legge Pethes Disease in 1 hip.....Another Vet at a different practice looked at X-ray & saw an old fracture there.........In his opinion the deterioration of the joint was from the injury sustained at 3 months of age (big dog bowled her over).........and that the head started to die......Now the problem is that you can not prove the theory, so they returned the puppy, as they were not prepared to breed with it in case it is a hereditary form........ In small dogs it is usual to have it surgically removed. Some say Polygenic, others say it is recessive. Website
  9. Website of some Victims of Proheart 6
  10. Side Effects The following are possible side effects, as admitted by Fort Dodge in their letter to verterinarians. The rate of these side effects is quite high compared to other heartworm preventatives on the market, and therefore I fear that people may be sacrificing safety for the sake of convenience. Here are just a few of the potential side effects: Swelling and pain at the site of the injection. Facial swelling Diahhrea and vomitting Lethargy and fever Wobbliness and weakness Rash Shortness of breath Erythema multiforme (bodywide disease with a characteristic rash involving the skin and mucous membranes) Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (destruction of red blood cells) Seizures and other neurological events Death From website
  11. Wherever there are mosquitos! However, it isnt that easy to contract. Monthly heartworm specific products actually last 6 weeks. If your using Advantix flea/Tick application then you are also repelling mosquitos & dont need to use anything else.
  12. The puppy needs to stay with the breeder until it is cleared of any health problem. It is most likely an innocent murmur, benign murmurs dissappear between 12-15 weeks of age. It will not be MVD..... It might be patent ductus...if it is PDA then the dog will die in the first year of life usually if not surgically corrected.......
  13. Proheart 6 was removed from the market overseas due to so many adverse reactions including deaths! Proheart 6 is a 6 monthly injection..........Here is Australia we have the same product as this banned one, only it is 3 times the dose!!!!!!!! and administered annually.......... Proheart 6 has been reintroduced a couple of months ago overseas.........They have changed NOTHING in the product, but what they have changed is that every person who uses the product must sign a document saying they understand the risks......again Australians are not reporting the adverse reactions, as often the reaction isnt for some months afterwards, ie seizures....the Vet also doesnt realise that the injection some 3 months prior is the cause of the seizures & happily keeps injecting the "epileptic" dog each year ...just as an example...
  14. PM the "nicestman77" on here.....he will sort you out & get you going asap..he has cheap blades on special right now. and no I have never had that happen with shear magics before.
  15. Having recently investigated importing a range of pet products including holistic brand food, I found that ALL imported food stuffs are irradiated before being released, it is a customs requirement.
  16. You can try daily glucosamine & also daily ESTER C tablets......Both these supplements will improve the joints.
  17. Broccoli can be toxic to dogs causing gastro intestinal problems, contains a substance called isothiocyanate. Supposedly safe to feed in small amounts, however a daily amount wouldnt be adviseable....many dogs can happily eat anything even those foods called "toxic" without a problem, some cant tolerate them at all, I would suggest your dog comes in that category. cooked mashed pumpkin helps regulate the bowel.....I would suggest increasing bone to harden the stools to a normal level...chicken necks, wings, carcass for a start :p
  18. Yes , absolutely...... commercial foods contain high amounts of grains, cereals, corn etc.......Dogs arent meant to eat these things, they build up over time & cause problems...... Canine Candida is one of the biggest issues in dogs IMO, yeast infection that can be in the whole of the body (just like humans).....humans can suffer serious arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome at times from yeast (Candida), and once detoxed they can become compeletely well again.......same goes for dogs.
  19. I would be straight with her, and say you dont want to appear to over ride her, but was she aware that our Thyroid tests in Australia are not good enough, that you have been on DOL, and spoken to breeders to be in touch with the expert Dr Dodds, and this is what she says.....hand her the email...say that you want this ruled out first before anything else begins.......... She will learn something new which will lead to who knows how many dogs coming through that Practice get diagnosed correctly...thanks to you...Vets cant know everything & can only do tests they know of....... Goldens do have Atopy & do have thyroid issues too
  20. Yeast thrives on sugar..if there is no sugar it cant grow...... Carbohydrates convert to sugars in the body........This is why things like grains, rice, pasta etc cause bad skin & ears.
  21. Same here... I had 2 of them & sold them, wouldnt have another one!
  22. The beauty of an Oldfield is that you have the choice to use it as a stand dryer with nozzle or to use it as a cage dryer with hose....
  23. Oldfield have ones on stand that you can also take off & use as a cage dryer or portable unit as well. www.oldfielddryers.com.au The Simpson ones are also excellent. www.challengedogsupplies.com.au
  24. I wouldnt change from my home prepared BARF diet..I would just likely pay for a fur-nanny to come feed them & to do the poo patrol while they are at it :rolleyes:
  25. I started out following Billinghurst, but soon realised that they dont need fruit & veg, they are carnivores.......who get all their nutients from flesh,organs & bones ie..they do not eat the stomach contents of their kill as stated in some literature......all the rest is unneccessary, but harmless in small amounts, such as fruit & veg, table scraps......dogs are scavengers & will eat mostly anything, but just because they can eat it, doesnt mean they need it...... Additives for me are occassionally raw fruit, veg, herbs,garlic ,raw eggs, yoghurt, cottage cheese, left over brown rice, or pasta dinners Ive had, cooked pumpkin, apple cider vinegar, kelp etc.....sardines or mackeral........Grains & cereals are kept to an absolute minimum here, as skin & ears will have yeast infections/hot spots in no time otherwise !!!
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