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Posts posted by Cavandra

  1. The areas you mention are teaming with dog breeders, the best Vets are the ones all the show dog/breeders go to........There is one around there, but I think the main one is Bowral they travel to........

    Ive just been told they mostly go to Bowral, but Thirlmere is good & half the price.

  2. Rice will usually build up over time to cause skin problems & ear infections........I feed brown rice occassionally or when there are left overs but it isnt part of the diet as such.

    Dogs are carnivores, which means they dont need anything other than raw meat & bones..........

  3. Steroids given to growing babies is a big NO NO !!!!

    Surely this would be the LAST resort,only for a dire straights situation.

    Wash & dry his feet regularly, cut out all grains, cereals,corn, rice, pasta from the diet, if he is on dry food look at the ingredients, if it has any of these things stop feeding it...........

    Figure out the cause.

  4. For interests sake, the only dogs I ever know to get KC this badly are those vaccinated for it.

    Once I had the annually vaccinated dog next door hacking away for 3 weeks, driving all of us crazy.......while mine did get it from this dog they had a very mild cough for 2 days & that was all........My dogs are not vaccinated for it, and are not vaccinated past 15 months of age. My eldest dogs didnt get it at all :scold:

    Theory is that such dogs have such strong immune systems they dont get things as badly as over vaccinated dogs do, Annual vaccines suppress the immune system ;)

    I know someone who had it quite badly from Erskine Park, and she had to stay away from shows for 3 months according to the regs she said.

  5. So basically dogs are eating more protein through (overfeeding?) processed foods than they would in nature. Maybe... Some of them. Most of them? Hence the 'high protein' diet needing to be lowered.

    How very sad........No wonder I steer clear of fake foods...... Give me a raw diet anytime!!!

  6. PS...some dogs do it cos they can, and nothing you do will stop it......I have bitches that are used to eating puppy poo for months from their litters, suddenly start to eat anyones poo, soon stops when they are reprimanded......also clean your yard twice a day, when she poos pick it up straight away, if she ate raw she would poo only when she ate, processed foods they poo multiple times a day, as most of what they eat is waste compared to raw diets being mostly absorbed & used by the body & wasting very little

  7. There may simply be no trigger. Not all epileptics have triggers.... the majority don't.

    Most epileptics have seizures in the evenings and many will have them after they go to sleep.

    Monte has the majority of his between 11pm - 5am although he has had them in the morning, the afternoon and the early evening. He hasn't any known triggers either.

    Syringiomyelia has seizures as a symptom............many Toy breeds can have SM............Most seizures are at night, theory, colder atmosphere............

  8. What is the reason for a low protein diet?

    Studies are showing high protein/energy exacerbates anxiety, aggression etc in dogs already prone to those conditions.

    Well if this be the case things are extremely grim that humans can have stuffed up the species so badly that a carnivore can no longer eat meat!!! :)

    If you told me it was carbs causing too much energy & aggression, now that I would believe, every commercial product is full of rubbish like rice, cereal, corn, & dogs would rarely if ever eat this stuff in the wild, they arent meant too!

  9. Which brings me to my next question, do BARFers generally supplement their dogs' food with anything? The book recommends cod liver oil.

    Cod liver oil is fine in winter, but you can overdose on Vit A through Summer! Also if you are mating any bitches if it is fed during the first trimester it will cause birth defects.

    I supplement when they need something for specific reasons, my main ones are Kelp, Apple Cider Vinegar,Ester C, Fish oil, Salmon Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Vit E,Evening Primrose.......the list goes on, but I do not use anything routinely apart from my oldies getting fish oil, Ester C & Glucosomine daily.

  10. Dont worry too much about the fruit & veg......When I started feeding BARF I used to follow Billinghurst to the letter, but soon realised dogs do not need vegetation, they are Carnivores, not omnivores.........In the wild they usually leave the intestines of teh kill, so his thought about them eating stomach contents has been proven to be a myth.....they CAN eat it, but they dont often eat it, and they do not need vegetaion to survive, only meat & bones being carnivores.

    The short answer is YES you can use your blender no worries at all, that is what I use on the rare ocassion I feed fruit & veg.

  11. The Vets act on the information given by the drug companies as well, if a vaccine manufacturer labels the product as needing to be repeated yearly, then the Vets take that on board.

    AFAIK there is only one vaccine available here that claims to be 3yo, all the rest are yearly.

    Until the manufacturers agree with the likes of Dodds, they will still be pushing that yearly is required.

    And on and on it goes.

    It takes a long time to change well established thinking and protocol.

    This is why Drug companies are currently being sued by Vets in USA, because their labelling saying to be given annually were proven wrong along time ago yet they failed to change the labelling, therefore they are now openly accused of deliberately causing harm, negligence etc... etc........

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