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Everything posted by skippy

  1. hi,I am a pet portrait artist and my prices are very reasonable.pm me if interested http://www.paolasportraits.webs.com/
  2. hi,I do pet portraits at reasonable prices.here is my website http://www.paolasportraits.webs.com/
  3. I am an owner,an ex vet nurse and am now a pet portrait artist
  4. my SBT got castrated last year and it only cost me $80(had a desexing voucher from a site that was encouraging getting pets desexed).the full price without the voucher would of been $180
  5. today when I was driving and waiting for the lights to turn green,I noticed the car in front of me had a little Yorkie,hanging halfway out the window.not just its head,half its body was out the car it was then I noticed that the dog was hanging out of the drivers window it nearly fell out a few times as it was not sitting still,my heart jumped everytime what is wrong with some people?
  6. can someone please tell me whats the difference between the standard and pedigree houndbags? they look great,might get one
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